A walk couldn't hurt

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Chapter fifteen: A walk couldn't hurt (Emma's POV)

Dinner was done, and the staff of the hotel was cleaning up after us while Nick and I were still sitting at the bar. Just us two. Nobody else. We weren't even talking, we were just staring off into space, observing the people that were cleaning up the entire hall. 

"Can I get you two anything?" the bartender asked. 

"I'm good," I smiled. 

"No, thank you," Nick replied. 

I stared at the time on my phone. It's midnight. The party ended about fifteen minutes ago. 

"Emma?" he asked, snapping me out of my daze. 

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to him. 

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" he questioned. 

"What?" I asked in surprise. 

"Do you want to go for a walk?" he repeated while standing up. 

"Right now?" I asked in confusion. 

"Yeah," he shrugged. 

"It's midnight," I said like the idiot that I am. 

"A walk couldn't hurt. It won't kill you, Emma," he chuckled with a small shrug. 

Yeah, a walk couldn't hurt. 

"Okay, sure," I shrugged while getting up, "Let me go change," I began walking to the elevators but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. 

"Can you walk in it?" he asked while glancing at the ends of the dress.

"I think," I shrugged. 

"Then you'll be fine, I'll carry you if I have to," he shrugged while pulling me to the exit of the hotel. 

I ignored the sparks that shot through my arm and kept it moving. I stopped walking when my phone dinged. 

He turned around and clicked his tongue while I was typing out a reply to my mom. "Okay, this," he dangled it in my face, "Is mine for tonight. And so are you. No distractions, come on," he tugged at my arm. 

"But it's from my-" he didn't let me finish. 

"I don't care who it's from, you're coming with me, let's go!" He stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me forward. 

"Where are we going?" I asked in confusion. 

"Just taking a good old stroll, Emma," he whispered, sending chills down my spine. He chuckled, "Good to know I still have that effect on you, I thought I was losing my touch," he smirked while walking past me. 

"Asshole," I rolled my eyes and kept walking. 

"Do you think you can catch me, Emma?" he began picking up his face while walking backward as he faced me. 

"Nick, I'm in heels and a dress, don't you fucking dare," I said through gritted teeth, already stopping and grabbing a bench while I took my heels off. 

"Do you think you can run barefoot?" he asked while taking his shoes off and then his socks, holding his shoes in one hand. 

"Just so you know, if I break or cut something, it's on you," I gathered my dress in my free hand. 

"I'll take full responsibility. Anything to take care of you," he winked before running off. 


"Jesus, will you stop, I already caught you," I panted while slowing down and sitting on a bench. 

"When did you catch me?" he laughed while sitting beside me. I tapped his shoulder. 

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