In sickness and in health

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Chapter forty: In sickness and in health (Emma's POV)

"You look absolutely stunning, wow," he said, his breathing ragged. 

"Really? Cause you look amazing, Nick," I chuckled airily. 

Zoey and Landon came and got us, leading us to the elevator and then downstairs. It's almost two-thirty I believe, and we're heading out to the church that Madeline and William have decided to get married at. Plymouth Congregational Church. That's roughly a fifteen-minute drive from here and so we're heading out now to get there early, make sure everything is set and Madeline and William will join us later with their parents. 

So we got in the car with the rest of the first families and we headed out. 

"Whoa, this place looks amazing," I said to Zoe as we stepped out. 

"I know, they made the right choice with this church," she said as we headed inside. 

There are about fifteen minutes left till the bride and groom get here and we start with the vows and announce them officially married. 

"All right," Nick's mom popped up, "Can I have all the bridesmaids standing in order in that corner over there and all the groomsman in that corner over there. I want the maid of honor and best man right at the front." We all listened and stood in the order that we were meant to. 

Zoey stood first being the maid of honor and I stood behind Grace, her being the second bridesmaid with Aubrey behind me. William's brother, Jaedan is the best man so Zo and he will walk together. Then Grace walks with Nick, I walk with Elijah, and Aubrey walks with Liam. Now, all we have to do is wait for the bride and groom to arrive. 


"I can't believe she's getting married," Zoey whispered while Madeline walked down the aisle with her dad by her side. While everyone was watching Madeline, I was watching William. He was crying. Trying hard not to but failing. Once Madeline made it to him, she too had tears brimming her eyes but she managed to blink them back and grin from ear to ear. 

"You look beautiful," William whispered. It's easy to read lips. 

Zo walked up with Jaedan and stood behind Madeline while Jaedan went and stood behind Will. I sighed, holding the bouquet a little tighter while reaching one hand out for Elijah once Nick and Grace made it to the front and took their places. 

"Come on, Eli," I sighed while he grabbed my hand and took tiny steps. I slowed down a little for him. I grinned at Madeline and William who were holding hands before my eyes met Nick's. He stared at me until I took my place while he grabbed Elijah's hand and made him stand in front of him. 

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as a lover, companion, and friend..." the priest began. 

Once that was done, they both got a moment to say their vows. 

Madeline went first. "The love you've shown me is beyond anything my childhood self could dream up. It's heartwarming, genuine, and fierce. Sometimes, all three at once. At the same time, your love has taught me to find what I spent so long searching for within my own self. I love you, William, forever." 

"Madeline, I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we're only fated to choose the things we'd do anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you, and I'd choose you. I love you, Madeline, forever." 

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