Looking at him

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Chapter thirty-six: Looking at him (Emma's POV)

I was slipping my heels on after a long, draining process of getting ready. I wore the blue dress. A shrilling scream literally echoed throughout the hallway. 

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself, grabbing my heels in my hand and running to the door, opening it and looking down the hall. Zoey was leaning against the wall in front of Madeline's room. 

"Emma, get over here!" Zoey yelled. 

"What the fuck is going on?" I said under my breath, still not moving. 

Zoey speed walked over to me and she was closing to losing all her patience I'm guessing with Madeline. 

"What?" I asked in confusion. 

"The zipper on her dress is broken, we need your help. She is freaking out way more than necessary, help me or I swear to god I am going to kill her," she said slowly. 

"But-" I opened my mouth to tell her that I still have to finish getting ready myself but she grabbed my arm and began pulling me. I stumbled a little, trying to grab the key so I didn't lock myself out but she was moving too fast. 

"Hey, Nick," she waved at him. 

I turned around and he was also watching the scene unfold in the hallway. My eyes met his and neither of us said anything or let our expressions falter. We just kept our faces blank and void of any emotion. He had a button-up on with none of the buttons closed. He was getting dressed. 

I turned around and continued walking with Zoey until we got to her room. I set my heels down and looked at Madeline who was panicking. 

"Madeline shut the fuck up," Zoey groaned. 

"Fuck's sake," I resisted an eye roll and grabbed the zipper, holding the fabric together and pulling it up smoothly. "There, it's not rocket science," I rolled my eyes before sitting down on the edge of her bed and pulling my heels on. "Can I go?" I asked while standing. 

"Yeah, sorry to bother you," Zoey said while working on Madeline's final touches.

"It's okay," I waved my hand dismissively before opening the door and walking over to my room. I reached for the handle and pressed it down but nope. I had locked myself out. "No, no, no, no, no, come on," I groaned, resting my head on the door. "I swear to god, I-" I began cursing while heading to the elevator but the click of a door stopped me. 

"I grabbed it when you left," he said while clearing his throat. 

I turned around and took my key from his hands. "Thanks," I mumbled before rushing inside and closing the door behind me. This dinner is going to suck. 

"No, thank you," I smiled at the waiter that went around passing appetizers. We were all standing around and mingling with people while I sat at the bar by myself. 

"Hey," Liam came and sat next to me. 

"Hey," I gave him a small smile. 

"You okay? You seem a little off," he said hesitantly. 

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired," I lied. 

"Oh, did you go out today?" he asked in confusion. 

"Nope, but I'm still tired," I chuckled. He nodded while letting out a laugh. "Liam," I cleared my throat, "You're bringing Rachel to the wedding as your plus one, aren't you?" I asked knowingly. 

"Yeah," he nodded slowly, "I'm sorry, I know you two don't get along but I think she's a great girl, Emma. She's nice, I like her." 

Rachel and nice are two words that can't be used in the same sentence but I guess she's different with him. 

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