Ice cream

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Chapter twenty-three: Ice cream (Emma's POV)

"Nicky!" Elijah yelled. We had just had our lunch and we were about to head back to the hotel. "I want ice cweam!" he whined. 

"Elijah, your dad is waiting for you," Nick sighed as we got to the car. 

He was about to cry. 

"I'll take you for ice cream, come on," I sighed in defeat while picking him up. 

"Emma," Nick sighed. 

"He's going to cry, Nick. it's just ice cream, just tell Finn, I'm sure he'll be fine with it," I arched an eyebrow at him. 

"Fine," he sighed in defeat while pulling out his phone. 

We were all exhausted and tired today. I just wanted to get to the hotel and take a long shower and follow that up with a long nap. We got in and drove to the nearest ice cream parlor. We got out and headed inside. I held Elijah on my hip while Nick got him ice cream. 

"Here you go," he sighed while handing it to him. 

He grinned while eating his ice cream, making a mess around his chin. I laughed while grabbing a tissue and wiping his chin before we got back to the car. He sat in my lap as we drove and soon enough, we were at the hotel. Finn and Allison were in the lobby so we handed Elijah over to them before going up to our rooms. 

"I'm so tired," I leaned against the wall, grabbing onto the bar for support. 

"I have a question," he said while looking at me. I just waited for him to continue. "We managed to avoid Madeline for the day but what happens at dinner? We both know she can't keep her mouth shut," he gave me a pointed look. 

"I also know that she's not dumb enough to tell people that don't need to know. The only person she'll tell is probably William," I rolled my eyes as we stepped out onto our floor. 

"Let's see who he tells then," he sighed as we strolled to our rooms. 

I stopped at mine and opened it but instead of going into his room, he followed me in. "Okay," I chuckled while tossing my bag onto the floor. 

I began heading to the bed but he pulled me back, "Shower," he pushed me into the bathroom. 

"What are you gonna do?" I asked. 

"Wait and then go shower," he sighed while sitting on the couch. 

I shrugged while grabbing my clothes and going inside. I stepped into the shower without taking my bikini off so I could rinse it after and began washing my hair, standing under the warm water. I heard a door open then close so I assumed that he left and went out to his own room. I was about to pull on the strings of my bikini to take it off when the curtain opened. 

"Hello," he smiled, his head popping up in front of mine. 

"Can I help you?" I laughed. 

"Do you always shower in a bikini?" he questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion. 

"If only you would have waited a moment, now I know not to take it off," I shrugged. 

"No, can I do that again?" he whined. 

"Too late," I shrugged. He opened the curtain wider before stepping inside. "What the hell are you doing?" I laughed. 

"I told you, save water and shower together," he shrugged. 

"Nick, seriously, get out," I laughed while pushing him. 

"Too late," he shrugged mockingly. I rolled my eyes before grabbing the shampoo and squirting it all over his head. "Oh, you're mean," he whined while rubbing it in while I applied shampoo to my scalp as well. 

The Wedding In MiamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora