If you say so

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Chapter thirty-seven: If you say so (Nick's POV)

"Whoa, sorry," I slurred when I crashed into a waiter, causing him to knock over a tray of drinks. I heard him mumble curses while he crouched down and began collecting the broken shards of glass. 

"I am so sorry on his behalf, please excuse him," Emma came over, placing her hands on my chest and pushing me back, steadying me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she mumbled while scanning my face. 

"He bumped into me," I glared at the waiter. 

"No, he didn't. You bumped into him, Nick. I'm really sorry," she said to the waiter once again before pulling me out of there. "How much have you had to drink?" she questioned while speed walking us to the women's bathroom. We went inside and she checked all the stalls before locking the main door shut, seating me on the couch. 

"One," I mumbled while leaning back and against the wall. She turned to me and gave me a pointed look. "One bottle," I admitted while loosening my tie, throwing it off. 

"What are you doing?" she looked at me in confusion. 

"I feel suffocated," I mumbled while unbuttoning the first two buttons of my shirt and rolling up the sleeves to my elbow. 

"Well, you're not suffocating," she rolled her eyes while grabbing a hand towel and running it under cold water. 

"If you say so," I huffed while leaning back, resting my head against the wall while staring at her. 

"What did you have to drink, Nick?" she sighed while walking over to me. 

"Bacardi," I ran my hand through my hair. 

"Jesus Christ," she mumbled while standing in front of me and running the cold towel over my eyes. "Can you just wash your face?" she asked while stepping away. 

I stood up with a sigh almost falling over before making it to the sink. She sat on the armrest of the couch, watching me as I splashed water over my face before grabbing a towel and patting my face dry. "Now what?" I held the sink for stability while turning to face her. 

"Any closer to being sober?" she asked. 

"Yeah," I nodded while walking over to the couch, tripping over my own feet. 

"Right," she nodded while I sat on the couch. We just sat in silence, staring at each other. 

"God, I love you," I mumbled. 

She let out a dry chuckle while shaking her head, staring at her hands that rested in her lap. The hands I really wanted in my hair right now. I put my head in her lap while wrapping my arms around her, letting my eyes close. She stiffened before her hands fell into my hair.

"Sober up, Nick. Come on," she said softly. 

"If you say so," I mumbled. That seems to be catchphrase for tonight. 

"Where's your suit?" she asked. 

"I'm wearing it," I mumbled. 

"The jacket, Nick. Where is it?" she questioned. 

"I don't know," I shrugged. 

"Nick, we have to head back out," she said while pulling her hands away. 

"No, we don't," I pouted. 

"Yes, we do. Come on, get up," she sighed. I slowly pulled away and stood up while she did too. She stood in front of me before slapping me right in the face. Hard. 

"Ow, what the fuck?!" I exclaimed, my hand immediately going to my cheek. 

"Slapping someone can sober them. Did it work?" she asked while shaking her hand. 

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