Little Havana

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Chapter twenty-five: Little Havana (Emma's POV)

"Thanks for nothing," I smiled at Zoey before going back to my room, groaning into my hands with Nick beside me. "Did you really have to do this to me?" I asked him. 

"I'll never do it again if you can say you didn't like it," he shrugged. 

"Forget it," I mumbled under my breath while going into my room while Nick went into his where we got dressed and then went downstairs for breakfast. 

"Hello, Emma," Matt grinned at me. 

"Hi," I smiled back while Nick went and talked to his mom. 

"How've you been?" he asked. This is just him rubbing in my face that he already knew what was going to happen between Nick and me. 

"Just say it," I shrugged while grabbing a chocolate muffin. 

"I told you both," he chuckled. 

"Yes," I sighed in defeat, "Yes, you did," I shrugged. 

"Have fun," he gave me a quick side hug before going and joining his wife. 

"Everyone just happened to see it coming," I mumbled to myself while getting some orange juice, rolling my eyes. Why is that everyone just happened to see it coming though? Nobody knew anything about what was going on between us, nobody was trying to put us two together, we didn't like each other when we got here and now we're almost two weeks into this trip and we're back to where we were before the break-up. I mean, as far as I knew, he was in a relationship which is why I knew my limits and didn't cross them. 

He didn't know if I was talking to someone, but I suppose I made that obvious when I acknowledged Liam's flirting. 

"Hey," Nick's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey," I nodded. 

"Do you need help getting to the table? You've been zoned out for like ten minutes," he chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes while walking to the table with him and sliding in my seat. 

"Where are we going today, again?" Landon asked. 

"Little Havana." 


We had been walking around and we were approaching lunchtime. This place is absolutely amazing. It's Miami's Cuban heart with stunning Latin-American art galleries, wonderful cafes with walk-up windows and the constant smell of cigars is a little concerning but it's no secret that it brings the place to life. 

Every corner you turn, there's someone with a friendly face. Or an old man smoking a cigar but that's the tradition here, no problem with that. I stopped walking and stared at the graffiti. 

"You gotta keep walking," Nick laughed, tugging on my hand. 

"It looks so cool, doesn't it?" I asked, glancing at the graffiti before it slipped out of sight. 

"Everything here looks so cool," he said while looking around. After walking around some more, we found a restaurant to stop by for some lunch. Fritanga Cana Brava. I was very confused while looking at the menu and had absolutely no idea what to get and everyone else was already ordering. 

Nick placed his order beside mine before pointing to me and telling them what to get for me. 

"What am I eating?" I asked in confusion. 

"Costilla de Cerdo Fritas, it's chicken, rice beans, you'll like it, it's amazing," he nodded. 

"How many times have you been here, Nick?" I questioned. 

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