I'm sure

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Chapter forty-one: I'm sure (Nick's POV)

The wedding reception is tomorrow night and on Saturday morning, we fly back home. Right now, we're all heading back to the hotel. After dancing, we all listened to the many toasts that people had to give, we then had a late lunch and are now heading back. 

"So, what exactly are you doing tonight?" I asked her while we walked to our car. It's just the two of us left. We're leaving last because she wanted to stay back at the church for a while. 

"Well, once we get back I'm taking a nap and after that I will see where the night takes me. Why?" she asked in confusion. 

"I'm trying to find a suitable time to kiss you," I cleared my throat. 

"And what time are you thinking?" she arched an eyebrow at me while leaning against the car door. 

"I'm thinking eight o'clock after a date," I sighed while placing my hands on either side of her, trapping her in between me and the car. 

"A date, huh?" She bit her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling. 

"Yeah, you in?" I asked. 

"I'll let you know," she said before pushing me off and getting into the car, leaving me hanging. 

We got back to the hotel and walked inside and up to our rooms in silence. "So, what do you think about that date?" I asked while leaning against my door. 

"I think you come get me at eight," she replied. I smiled before leaning in only for her to push me back. "Patience," she teased before going into her room, locking the door shut. 

I doubt I have patience when it comes to seeing her. I knocked on her door a little before eight. 

She opened the door, her head peeking out. "I thought you said eight?" she asked in confusion. 

"Close enough," I shrugged. 

"It's seven-thirty," she laughed before stepping aside and letting me in. 

"Do you want me to wait outside or come back later?" I asked while taking her sight in. 

She's in nothing but a towel. "Up to you," she shrugged while grabbing her clothes from the bed and going back into the bathroom, coming out fully dressed. "So, where are we going?" she asked while sitting beside me, slipping her shoes on. 

"For a long drive," I replied. "And what about dinner?" she questioned. 

"Good old McDonald's," I chuckled. She gave me a blank look. "Or Taco Bell," I shrugged. 

"Taco Bell," she nodded while grabbing her phone and standing up. 

"We're not taking those tonight," I grabbed her phone from her hand and placed it back on her nightstand. 

"Why not?" she asked. 

"No distractions," I shrugged, grabbing her hand and pulling her out with me before she could say no. 

She hummed to the music while eating her quesadillas. I chuckled to myself while shaking my head. "What?" she asked in confusion. 

"Nothing," I laughed. 

"What?" she pushed me back. 

"I was just watching you," I shrugged. 

"And?" she pressed further. 

"And I think you're really cute," I answered honestly. 

"Do you now?" she teased while turning her body to face me completely. 

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