Chapter 2. A Comparison of Stanks

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Turns out, the scent was old. But Alice was entirely sure the vampire would be here this evening, so we waited. A very longgggggg while later, which was actually only a few hours, I was getting antsy.

"Alice are you sure this is where you saw her?" Her being identified as Victoria, the redhead she-bitch.

Alice nodded, her eyes unfocusing as she glanced into the future. "She's almost here."

Now don't, get me wrong, I love Alice, but my opinions of prophecy magic aren't exactly the best. I find Prophecy to be entirely unpredictable, and most of its users are bat shit crazy if you ask me. Except Blue. Blue is awesome in every way possible.

Suddenly, she spun towards Emmett, "On your left!"

I gave a whoop as we started after the nomad, the race finally on.

I heard Carlisle speaking, the words barely registering in my mind as I caught up and saw she was on the other side of the stream "Wait, she's in their territory now."

"She'll get away!" Rosalie argued.

Jasper shook his head, "No she won't."

A group of huge wolves leapt out of the tree line, snapping and clawing at the red head. I immediately recognized them as supernatural beings, not just animals. A wiggling in the back of my brain tried to catch my attention, but I wasn't focusing on it.

They stunk really badly too.

We were running along the rocky banks of a stream, the wolves running parallel to us on the opposing shore as we chased down the ginger vamp.

At the time I wasn't aware of the treaty, so I couldn't figure out why we she was leaping from side to side. Now I know she was trying to get one of us to follow her over and try to take her down, therefore causing a fight between the two sides.

Funnily enough, it wasn't me who fell for the trick.

"Emmett no!" I heard Carlisle call as I watched Emmett leap across after her, but was tackled out of the air by a silver blur.

"Hey wrong vampire!" I yelled as I jumped over the two, who were still rolling through the dirt, landing in a crouch briefly before sprinting after her.

I thought I heard someone shouting my name distantly, but I pushed it away as I focused on my target.

I paid no mind to the sounds of the wolves behind me and to my sides. She lost ground quickly, as I was faster, and soon she was in range of my magic. A grin twisted its way onto my face. Now the party could start.

I flung out one hand in front of my and crashed a tree into her path. She nimbly hopped over it, but stumbled slightly into the shadows that dragged at her feet. I twisted my hands up and around so that the shadows enveloped her. She continued running for as long as she could, but as we broke through a tree line onto a cliff they became to heavy to bear and she fell to the ground, writhing in an attempt to get out of my pet's grasp.

I victoriously pumped my fist in the air, slowing down for a second.

You know what they say about celebrating too soon? Yeah this was one of those times.

The unnecessary air was knocked from my lungs and my hold on the shadows fell as a wolf slammed into me, jaws grabbing my shoulder, tearing my shirt and making a horrible squeal as they glanced against my skin. I was thrown back, flipping over in the air until I hit a tree that groaned with the force of it and fell to the ground.

By the time I had realized what was happening, Victoria had already jumped up and off of the cliff into the churning water below, which would have posed a problem even if I had been able to follow her.

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