Chapter 25. Long Live the Queen

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Mor- Two and a half years later (~483 AD)

"Good morning Melee, good morning Melou," the 15 almost 16 year old Mor sang as she danced around the kitchen of their small, cozy home. The toddlers giggled from their chairs at the table and chattered like little bluebirds.

They were happy, bright children who loved their aunt more than anything in the world. They could already walk and run- which got them into all sorts of mischief. To say that they were the apple of the girl's eye was an understatement. They were the only thing that kept her afloat in the aftershock of that fateful day years before.

"Mooooooorrrrrrr I hungry!" shouted Melehand, affectionately called Melee, while banging his spoon on the table.

"ME-LEE! Too loud!" whined his twin while covering his ears, equally as loud, causing Mor to laugh at her nephews.

"Hush you two, breakfast is on its way. Mr. and Mrs. Baker are bringing some fresh apples from the orchard and I have promised Mr. Thomas some eggs in exchange for some of his cow's milk. How does that sound?" she picked up Melou, swinging him through the air causing him to shriek with laughter. The other twin pouted, jealous from the lack of attention. The frown left his face when his aunt started tickling him, causing him to laugh like a tiny maniac.

"Let's get you dressed so you are not running around naked when the Baker's arrive." Mor said, putting Melee down and turning to fetch their clothes.

"Song?" Melou asked, clutched at Mor's leg. He wanted her to sing the silly little song that they loved to hear when they were dressing for the day. She gave them a small smile and started to get them into their clothes, singing in a soft, light voice.

"Put your clothes on; don't refuse.

Breeches, gloves, and also shoes;

Hat on head for rain or sun;

Buttons – do up every one.

Put your belt around your waist,

Then make sure the end is placed

Through the buckle till the pin

Holds the belt-end safely in."

The boys, now properly clothed, fell on the floor giggling and singing the song over and over again. Mor looked down at them with a softness in her eyes. They were her whole world.

A knock on the door had the small family quieting instantly. Mor placed a finger on her lips and wink at the twins, causing them to giggle. At her gesture they ran and hid behind the legs of the table as she went and opened the door.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker stood on the other side holding a basket of apples and some fresh bread. They were an older couple with no children of their own but they loved the three in this cottage immensely as if they were theirs.

"Where are our favorite little boys?" Mr. Baker asked, though the boys were clearly visible, looking around dramatically, feigning confusion.

They jumped out screeching and laughing, instantly being scooped up into the older couple's arms.

"No these cannot be our boys, dear. These are tall, strong men!" Mrs. Baker intoned seriously, squeezing Melee to her. The older woman glanced at the teen beside her.

"How are you my dear?" she asked the girl, concern coloring her tone. Mor's birthday was tomorrow and she planned on disappearing to hunt in the forest. The anniversary of her coronation three years prior was too much to handle, and if she were with the boys that reminded her so much of her brother and father she would break down.

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