Chapter 10. That Tree Wasn't There Before

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Jasper and I were showing off hardcore. As the most experienced fighters of the vampires, we were the most equally matched in a physical fight with no powers. If I used my magic, I would best him easily, and we both knew it. 

Since we were so physically equal, neither of us held back, and it was a game of strategy as we tried to outsmart and out maneuver the other. This marked our third match, him winning the first, me the second. 

I growled as I flipped backwards through the air, landing in a crouch before launching myself at him again. He side stepped, as if to let me pass and then grab me out of the air, but expecting this, I ducked at the last moment and spun to grab his ankle yanking him off his feet.

As his feet came out from underneath him, he dove over my back and grabbed my neck, pulling me back towards his chest as we landed on the ground, him below me.

I kicked off of him before he could wrap his arms all the way around me, using the momentum from the fall to flip myself all the way over, break his grip, and pin him by the neck to the forest floor. 

Emmett's whoop was loud enough to pull me out of the haze I called my 'Fighting Focus', and I stood up, pulling a smiling Jasper to his feet. I brushed off my black leggings and Darth Vader tank top.

"I'll be wanting a rematch once this is all over Enchantress," he smirked. 

"Of course, Major." I winked back at him.

Edwards voice interrupted our playful banter, "They're here." 

I rolled my eyes at him. Obviously I knew that, as I was apart of their mindlink now and had heard it the moment they shifted and started heading towards us. Jasper and I did our secret handshake which consisted of a series of moves (shake, squeeze, shift up so that our hands were clasped at the thumbs, pull back to fingertips and re-clasp, let go palm five, backhand five, fist bump, salute)

Are you always this stupid? asked Paul as he watched our exchange. I shot him a glare and flicked my fingers, making him trip over a rock that was suddenly there.

He growled in my direction and I gave him an innocent grin before moving to stand next to Leah. 

I shot Edward a look, knowing he was about to say something snarky, then turned to address Carlisle, "Since the pack will be fighting in wolf form they thought it only fitting they train in this form too. I will act as translator for the time being."

I watched Jacob move to Bella's side and could only shake my head at the two. After seeing Bella and Edward together, it was even more apparent the poor boy didn't have a shot.

"Jasper and Anna have experience training newborns, but since Anna wants to stay as translator for now, he will be teaching us how to defeat them." Carlisle spoke.

How are newborns different then regular leeches? Jared wondered. The nickname leech had stuck, despite better relations. In response, I still called them puppies. This irritated Jared more than any of the others, and it was funny to watch him get frustrated at it.

"Will you explain why newborns are so different from us?" I reiterated out loud.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." 

Oooooo Super-leeches, great. Leah groaned in her. A low rumble emanated from a few of the pack members at that.

Jasper stepped forward, assuming charge of the training. "Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army, and no human army could stand against them." His voice was clipped, authoritative, and unconsciously he had placed his hands behind his back in a military stance. You can take the major out of the army...

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