Chapter 15. A Stroll

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The clearing smelt horrible. The scent of burning vampires isn't pleasant, but it barely covered the wet dog odor that clung to the earth and the trees. I hadn't encountered anything similar in the past, but the Cullens were strange so who knows what it might be. 

They stood clustered on the far side of the clearing, the oldest one, Carlisle, standing at the head.  I remember when he joined the Volturi for a brief amount of time and recall he was quite kind but altogether much too compassionate to the humans. I counted 9 in the coven before me, more than the expected 7 + one human. 

There were two new faces, both female and similar in stature. The first had dark curly hair and terror rolled off of her in waves. She was obviously a newborn; if her fear and lack of composure hadn't given it away her eyes, bright red and darting around rapidly, would have. The other was the polar opposite. Her hair was a shimmering white-silver, and her eyes remained fixed on the ground even as she reached out and grabbed the other's hand in comfort before releasing it. 

This one seemed dangerous, more so than any other in the clearing barr the scarred one. The way she was standing was relaxed but also defensive - she was in a position to move in any direction she chose without giving away her movements. It was a mirror image to the form that Demetri often used when sparring. She had placed herself slightly in front of the dark haired girl, like a protector. Her breathing was slow and steady, and I could practically see her mind calculating as her nostrils flared.

Our robes whispered against the grass as we approached, steps syncing in a practiced float. We stopped several feet in front of them and Jane spoke, "It appears you've done our work for us." She was surprised and curious.

There was silence as we observed them slowly, taking in every detail. The girl was still human, how interesting. The mind reader's lip curled slightly as I scanned her. My sister obviously knew what she was doing, and this intimidation technique was most effective. This clearing was ours, and they knew it.

After several moments Jane spoke again, her voice flat and emotionless, "Impressive, I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." It was a double edged remark, one that taunted and probed for answers. 

"We were lucky." The matriarch remonstrated, a quiet pride in his words. 

She dismissed this with a slow blink. "I doubt that."

I moved slightly, allowing my arm to barely brush hers as a reminder and a comfort. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight" I mused with a bored tone, eyes roaming over the vampires in a lazy motion, finally settling on the two females at the back. 

Felix at my side stood at attention staring straight ahead. This was our way, Jane and I would do the talking and the mental intimidation while Felix and Demetri would remain aloof and stiff, the muscle of the group. However, as any good stratician would know, the two strong vampires were masters of thought and though acted like children were near unbeatable in a fight. They were calculating as well, organizing scenarios and movements in their minds, silently observing the clearing and carefully noting each possible outcome. Therein lies the true power of the Volturi, every one of us was trained to master our greatest weakness.

The mind reader could see our surface level thoughts and though they revealed several things the unconscious, undirected calculating remained unnoticed. "If you'd arrived an half hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose."

How interesting, he thought to taunt us. As a response Jane would punish him, his family. But not with her gift. She would mention the newborn next, question their presence. 

"Pity." she stated, voice as coy and unassuming as a snake in the grass. Then she struck "You missed some." 

Some, she had said, not one. So she had also noticed the stark contrast of the females. It was not in error that she designated both as young.

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