Chapter 13. We Will Rock You

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The clearing smelt so strongly of Bella's blood I was almost certain that the newborns were going to go wild. Hell, even Jasper was going a bit crazy at the potent scent. It would only be a few minutes until they would be here, and I was ready for them.

I had dressed in the outfit that indeed had arrived on Sam's doorstep three days ago. It was bad-ass, that was certain, but I felt just a bit ridiculous. The top was black and tight, made of a flexible material for easy movement that cut off at the shoulder, making my pack tattoo easily spotted. I suspected this was on purpose. The fabric stopped at my naval, leaving a slice of skin exposed between the bottom of my shirt and the top of the army green cargo pants slung on my hips. I was entirely sure Blue had based the outfit on that cartoon show Kim Possible. My feet were encased in a sturdy pair of black combat boots, my hands sheathed in my signature black finger-less biker gloves, and strapped across my chest was a bandolier for knives.

Now this might seem ridiculous considering human made weapons had no effect on vampire skin, but I knew Blue had remembered my classical weapons training and had recalled the fact that I could make knives of magic that could slice through any species. I smiled as I strapped the empty sheaths into place and conjured the weapons of solid black energy to fill them. The back side of the bandolier held a single, much longer sheath, exactly the size of the short sword I kept on me at all times.

The wolves had gaped at me when I started to put my weapons in place.

"What kind of knives are those?" asked Seth.

Embry spoke over him, "Do you know how to use them?"

"Did you just pull a fucking sword out of your purse?" asked Paul, bewildered as I did just that

I grinned at their responses, "Yes, yes, and yes, though technically its a short sword."

"Do those actually work on vampire skin?" Sam asked, curious for once.

"The knives are made of pure black magic, which in this raw energy form could cut through anything, even vampire skin. The sword is one that I've had since my human years, but a long time ago I learned that I could add enchantments to the steel that would allow it to take on the same properties as our teeth or yours. I used to coat it in vampire venom for even more effect." I informed them, running a hand encased in black magic along the beautifully made weapon to strengthen it's spells and add another layer of protection to the blade.

I cherished this sword, it had been a gift and I had vowed I would never part with it. So it was always near my person, usually in the black bag I carried with me everywhere.

I magically transfigured the bag into a small pouch and hung it at my hip.

Slipping the last knife into place and making sure the sword was strapped at the right height for easy access, I went through a mental checklist to make sure I was entirely ready.

1. Link pack and Cullen minds - check!

2. Conjure knives and recasts spells on sword - check!

3. Tie shoes - check!

4. Slap Paul if he insults my knives, sword, or baggie - check!

I smiled to myself at that last one. He had already made a snide comment earlier when I had showed up at the clearing with my purse in tow and I of course had smacked him hard enough to bruise his arm and his ego.

Now the minutes ticked away and it was almost time for the fight. Through the mind link I heard everyone pairing up in groups of two or three, as to avoid getting cornered or pinned, and I couldn't be more proud as I noticed vampires and wolves were easily picking each other. Jasper and I had the idea the organize the groups into specific positions and planned our attacked accordingly. Paul and Emmett concluded they were too strong to be on the same team, so the wolf offered to stick with Rosalie while Emmett and Embry moved to stand near each other, both groups positioning themselves towards the front, acting as a funneling unit towards where Sam and I partnered up to be the main fighting force at the center of the group.

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