Chapter 11. A Little Lioness

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Her brother had been absent all morning and Mor, now a lovely little girl of seven, was keen to find him. She had some news to tell him.

She had been searching for over an hour now, and the fact that he wasn't in any of his usual spots made her begin to worry a bit. Biting her lip, she began to make her way to the training grounds. When she got there, she was surprised to see it occupied, as usually the knights were doing conditioning training in the woods at this time.

Two helmeted figures were clashing blades, fighting in a blur as they executed move after move. The one seemingly having the upper hand was tall and fair haired, his helmet not concealing the blond curls that peeked out from under its rim. He wore a white shirt over a pair of light brown trousers. The other was clothed in a similar white shirt, though his pants and boots were of the deepest black. He was smaller, shorter, and his dark hair was long and tied back with a leather thong. 

The two clashed fiercely, and Mor's young eyes could barely follow the movements of the two, they were moving so fast.

The match suddenly ended as the taller of the men disarmed the other, shoving him to the ground with a shoulder check and held his sword to his neck. 

The man on the ground pulled off his helmet and revealed her brothers face underneath. He was laughing good naturally and smiled up at his opponent, who removed his own helmet to reveal the handsome face of King Arthur himself. 

Mor picked up the edge of her long wine colored dress and sprinted towards the two yelling "Father! Mordred!"

Her father caught her in his arms, picking her up and swinging her around as she giggled. "Hello my little lioness, what brings you to the training field today?"

"I have news!!" she responded, out of breath from running and laughing.

The King set his young daughter down gently and offered his son a hand, pulling him up as he spoke, "well then let us retire to the refreshment tent so you may tell us."

The trio made its way to the tent where Mordred and Arthur both accepted towels and water  from the attendants before sitting down in front of the tiny Mor. The child had assumed a ladylike position, standing straight, hands folded before her, and head held poised. Her father couldn't helps but admire the cool grace of his princess.

"Alright little fairy, what is it you want to tell us?" asked her brother, leaning forward intently. 

She barely kept her queenly act together as she spoke, "Today I was assigned a Warlock."

Her father did not quite understand what this meant and looked to his son in a silent question. Mordred, however, wasn't paying attention. Instead he was gaping at his little sister, a huge smile beginning to form on his face. In a breath he was pulling her into a hug and speaking quickly, "My sister, only 7, being assigned a Warlock! I cannot believe the council approved you to learn so young. You must be very powerful little fairy!"

He turned to his father, who's face was still confused. "Mor is going to be a witch!"

Arthur jumped to his feet. "A witch! How is it both my children are so talented and wonderful?"

He hugged the two, planting a kiss on each of their heads. "We must celebrate, have a banquet. Guinevere has been wanting to host one since we married, and what better occasion than the excelling of her new daughter." 

Mordred held back a frown. He wasn't too fond of the new queen. After all, it had only been a year since his mother had disappeared and his father had already married a princess of the nearby kingdom of Cameliard, as to strengthen ties. 

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