Ch 5: Memories {Edited}

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"Okay. Now that we have those out of the way. I am going to go and cleanse that corruption," said Marinette as she stood up from the couch. She then stops to think for a second. Maybe she should bring Damian and Lily with her. She knows that Lily can handle herself. But Damian? Mari doesn't know if he's suited for these kinds of missions. She could ask him. But she doesn't want him to get in trouble. Yeah, it's better if she leaves him here with Lily. Where he can't cause or make trouble.

"Damian, I want you to stay here with Lily. Till' I come back," said Marinette. She went to put her combat boots on. Then transformed thanks to Kaalki.

"If you want something to eat, look in the fridge," stated Mari as she started to put on her light-weighted backpack. Damian nodded as she watched her walk through the portal. With it disappearing when she went through.

With nothing to do, he went back to watching TV with Lily coming up onto the couch and laying next to him.

Time passed by and Damian slowly drifted to sleep. When his eyelids closed. He saw Dupain-Cheng and Lily standing, facing him. He tried to move his legs, but it was like they were glued to the floor. Then he heard a scream. Looking up. He saw Dupain-Cheng on the floor bleeding out. With a whimpering dog nuzzling her owner's body. Facing Damian. She moved her lips, trying to tell him something. But no sound came out. Then everything shattered like broken glass. The image of Dupain on the floor embedded in his head.

He landed on concrete. Looking up. He felt like he recognized this neighborhood. Shrugging it off. Thinking that it was a coincidence. He stood. Walking onward to only stop at a house. It could only mean one thing. This was the night he took his first life. Instead of moving forward, he walked inside the house that once housed a happy family. The first room he entered was the living room. It looked like any typical living room. With a couch, TV, rug, coffee table, etc.

He then glanced at the fireplace that held the tv. On the fireplace held pictures of a family of three. With the occasional relative appearing in the pictures. Deciding that nothing else was of interest. He made his way to where he killed the father of the family.

He started to walk up the stairs. Once on the second floor. He made his way to a bedroom. And again, it was the typical bedroom. It held possessions and the standard bedroom furniture. He looked around the room. Then he thought back to when he killed the man.

────── 〔✿〕──────

It was a quiet night. He had gotten to his destination. Received orders to kill a man that owned a small business. And this man has a wife and daughter that are visiting family right now.

Currently, he is waiting for the right time to strike. He observed the man from afar. While the man took the occasional glance out the window. Damian will move out of the man's sight. The man will shrug it off and think that it was his imagination playing tricks again. So the man went back to getting ready for bed.

Some time passed and the man finally got into his bed. Damian waited a little longer to make sure that the man was asleep. He then got into the home through the window. The man didn't even bother to lock the windows that provided the very easy escape and entrance.

Damian then made his way to his target's bedroom. Katana in hand, ready to strike. When he entered the man's room. It was silent, except for the man's snoring. Dami made his way to the front of his target. And thought about his decisions and killed the man in cold blood. The man stopped snoring. Blood started to seep into the cushions and onto his katana. He took his sword out of the man's now dead body and made his way out of the room to go back to report to his mother.

────── 〔✿〕──────

As the image in his head started to go away. The floor beneath him turned to pitch black. Dragging him down into it. The image of the bedroom slowly disintegrated out of existence. What he could now see was pitch-black darkness that crept around him. No matter where he looked, nothing was coming into existence. And here he is standing in a void that holds nothing.

Then an image shows up in front of him. Showing him a memory that was not that long ago. The memory was what happened this morning, that showed Marinette smiling at him. Another image showed up next to it.

It showed him and Marinette smiling next to each other while looking at the camera. From what he remembered this never happened. In fact, what was that? His curiosity grew along with more memories coming up next to him. Most of them were memories of his past. While there were others with him looking happy with Marinette next to him. Weird. And then there was one last image that showed him and Marinette along with four other males. Weirdly, they all looked the same. Black hair and blue eyes. But he did recognize one of them. It was his father with a small smile. When he reached out to try to touch it.

The world around him shattered again. He was back in pitch darkness. He fell and fell. Showing no signs of stopping.

────── 〔✿〕──────

Damian immediately woke up from his dream. Catching his breath. He looked around to breathe out a sigh of relief. To then see that he was still in Marinette's apartment. With Lily sleeping next to him. He got off the couch before turning off the tv that was still on.

He made his way towards the bathroom. Splashing some water on his face. He stared at his reflection. He wondered about the images he saw. Sure, that most of them were of his past. While others don't make any sense. It's just frustrating to him. Not knowing what he saw. Not knowing what had happened. Was it even a dream!?

He made his way out of the bathroom. To then walk back towards the living room. He looked at the clock to show 11:02 pm. It was the middle of the night. Great. With nothing to do. He decided to find something to eat. He made his way to the small kitchen. Looking into the fridge to show some pastries and sandwiches. He took the sandwiches that were already cut in half. He ate one half of it and left the other half in the fridge for later.

He still wondered about the dream he had. Who was in the last image? Would he have a better future with Marinette? Question after question ran around his head.

He had decided not to worry further about it and went back on the couch to sleep next to Lily. Who is still sleeping by the way. He made his way onto the comfortable couch. He quickly fell asleep. Only this time no dreams appeared.


Edited 1/1/21

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