Ch 8: Paris

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It was now afternoon. Mari and Damian were eating without saying a word to each other. They would take the occasional glance at each other. But that was all the interaction they would have.

Someone coughs. They looked towards the direction of their... prisoner? The assassin gave them a glare. To which the two of them ignored his attempts at trying to intimidate them. It was a very attempt in Damian's book. This goes on for the rest of lunch.

Having enough of their captive's attempt to intimidate them. Marinette sets down her utensils. And walked over to the man, knocking the dude out. Satisfied, she returned to her seat to continue eating.

In all honesty, Damian was going to kill the guy if he continued glaring at them. It annoyed him. This assassin might not be the only one here. So he was on high alert. More alert than usual.

But compared to Marinette. She was calm. Acting like nothing happened this morning. She ate like nothing was bothering her. But that is the outside version of her.

In reality, she was panicking. The thought of having other people in her rented apartment. Made her freak out. She wanted to ask Damian, who is the man that she knocked out earlier. Maybe she should end her journey around the globe and return to Paris. She could call up her uncle Jagged and ask him to take Damian in while she travels. But with what happened this morning. She didn't want the potential danger of the assassins going after her honorary uncle.

She was planning on taking Damian with her around the world. And have him start online school. But he needs the interaction of other people. And judging by how Damian acts. He will most likely kill the first person to annoy him.

Regardless of that. What are they going to do with the person that is currently drooling on the floor? She could always bring him to the police. Surely that could work. But this man will probably end up escaping. Killing him? Nope. That is out of the question. Even if she is a hero. She has morals. And she tends to hold up to them. The next best option was to interrogate the man. But Marinette had knocked the man out not too long ago. Who knows when his friends will come after him. Knowing that he has been missing for a certain amount of time.

Going through her internal debate, she has decided that she will return to Paris with Damian. And have him start school. Then she can see what she can do to keep these assassin's off of their tails. She can always go through security footage and blur out Damian's face. No. That will make people suspicious. She can have Damian wear a hat 24/7. But he might not like the idea of hats. He could wear contacts. No, that will only change his eye color. Not his face shape.

Idea after idea went through Marinette's head. But after every idea, she thought of. She shot them down thinking of the cons of the action. And not the pros. She then settled on changing his last name to Dupain-Cheng.

Now the issues of creating a civilian Identity. She was thinking of making Damian a new identity anyway. But if people start to find out that he came out of the blue. Without any prior information. With some simple hacking skills. Anyone can figure it out. She put her worries aside and decided to worry about it when she crosses that bridge.

After getting her thoughts organized. She grabbed her phone to proceed to call up her private plane.

Damian was watching her the whole time. And he's frustrated because he couldn't read her. His whole life, he paid attention to how a person was acting based on their actions. But Marinette? She wasn't doing anything that signaled she was going to do something. The only thing he did understand is that she was calling someone in french. And she mentioned something about Paris and a plane. He wanted to know what was going on without questioning Marinette.

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