Ch 7: A New Goal

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The night passed by quickly as the morning sun raised. Shining light into the room. The light eventually met Marinette's eyes.

She stirred in her sleep. Opening her eyes. To then blinking them to readjust to the light. Letting out a yawn from her mouth. Looking down to see Tikki and Plagg laying next to her sound asleep. Smiling at the kwamis. She then made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Still being half asleep. She brushed her teeth. Taking a quick shower that woke her up from how cold it was.

Once she's done with that. She got to the kitchen. First making a mug of coffee. Making her way towards the coffee maker. Putting in the proper things. Turned it on. Deciding to also make some tea for Damian. Started to boil some water. Looking through her bag to find the black tea that she brings with her on a daily bases.

Once she found it. Placing it on the kitchen counter. Then going over towards the couch cushion to take a look at the cat. It wasn't there. Cursing in French. She looked around the apartment. She couldn't find the cat after looking in every nook and cranny. The final place she hasn't looked at was the room, Damian was sleeping in.

Walking towards the room. Being careful when opening the door as to not wake him. Once she opened the door to look in. She saw him curled up with the cat sleeping next to him. Taking in the beautiful scene in front of her. She swiftly took out her phone and took a picture.

He must've heard her when she took the picture because he started to wake up. Stirring in his sleep. He woke up startled. Looking closer, Marinette noticed a hint of fear and caution in his eyes. Worried, she made her way to his side. Waiting for a few more minutes. He calmed down and looked her in the eyes. They stayed like that for a few seconds before he broke eye contact with her.

Sighing, she said, "Breakfast is going to be ready in five, so freshen up." Mari made her way out of the room. Closing the door. When out of the room. She wondered what got him so cautious and scared. She wanted to know what was troubling him. But not wanting to invade his personal space. She set it aside until after breakfast.

Going towards the kitchen to start preparing some french toast. Halfway into making the food. Damian came out of the room with the cat in his arms.

Walking towards the couch to sit in it. Then turning on the news. Marinette wasn't paying attention, but she heard something about an argument on who is the best hero. Specifically the heroes in America. She wanted to know what was so special about who is better than who. They are all one and the same. Just have different ways of showing it.

Drowning out the argument happening on live television. She returned her attention to the french toast that was almost burned.

Tikki got off the couch to fly over towards Marinette.

"Marinette," said Tikki with a worried face.

"Yeah? Tikki," replied Marinette as she started to finish cooking breakfast.

"Could we talk in private... this involves Damian," replied Tikki with a very worried face. Marinette nodded and placed food on the table. Along with his cup of tea. Telling Damian that he can start eating without her. She proceeded towards the bathroom. Closing the door.

When she knows that the door's locked and secured. Turning towards Tikki. Asking what she's worried about. She then goes on to explain that Damian has so much corruption tied to his soul. This is likely because he was near one of the pits his whole life. So it started to weave onto his soul becoming a part of him.

When Marinette suggested that she removes the corruption from him. Tikki said that it is going to be difficult. And any wrong move could tear years of his life from him. So it is a very delicate process to do. The only successful way for her to do it. Is if Plagg agrees to help. He can help by focusing on the corruption with the extra help of her and Marinette. Another thing Tikki mentioned is that Damian has to agree to do this. During the process, he would be reliving memories. That was buried deep in his subconscious. Which would not flow well if he is not letting his memories flow like a river.

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