Ch 12: Friends?

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Shortly after dinner. The Kents and Marinette exchanged numbers so that they could stay in touch. And so they can get to know each other better at a later date. The Kents headed to their hotel. While Marinette and Damian headed home.

Once they got home. The first thing Marinette did was to greet Lily and the cat. They really needed to give the cat a name. They just can't keep calling the cat 'Cat'... right?

Besides that Marinette let Damian take a shower first. While she went to put the mug for him away into the cupboard and to feed the two pets in the apartment.

So Damian went ahead. And took some clothes from his room. Heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Entering the bathroom. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him. Placing his clothes on the sink countertop. He then proceeded to take off his shirt first. Looking at the mirror in front of him.

Staring at his own reflection. His emerald eyes piercing through the mirror as if there was a person staring right at him. The eyes that he inherited from his mother. Sometimes he wishes that his eye color was different. Something different from his Grandfather and Mother. Atlas he couldn't change it. Even if he wanted too. He wouldn't have the heart to do it. He believed that his eyes were something he could relate to his Grandfather. The head of the league.

He continued to stare at his own eyes. Then at the minor scars that littered his body. He had more. But during one of his missions. He's struck in the chest on the wrong side of the katana. Which caused his mother to dump him into the Lazarus Pits. That caused most of the scars he had accumulated. To heal. So now, he had some minor scars on his body. But he still imagines back when Katana struck his chest. It would've left a scar. If it wasn't for the Pits.

He then thought back to what happened earlier. To say that Damian made his first friend was an understatement. He never had a need for friends. He's taught that friends were a weakness. He's told that if he made a friend. He was to either kill them. Or battle them to see who's better. If he lost. He's subjected to more training. If he won. It proved that he was stronger than them.

Then he met Jon. He didn't know what to do. He never had a friend that he could call his own. At first, he thought that Jon was the kind of person to be fast to jump into things without thinking. Even his enthusiasm could be on par with Marinette's.

He even expected Jon to continue asking questions when he first didn't answer. But to his surprise. Jon respected that he didn't answer. And he kept silent. Now that changed his view on Jonathan. To see that Jon respects his personal space. Was not on his agenda. So when he answered his earlier question. Jon burst into excitement. And continued to ask question after question. And when Damian replied that he never even tried to play video games. Jonathan was surprised at the statement he's given. So he said that next time. They could go to the arcade and play some games. He even asked if he played any sports. Damian replied that he never had a need to learn anything about sports games. This also made Jon pouted.

So when someone says they are friends. He would deny that fact with a cowl. But even if he did deny that fact. It wouldn't change the fact that deep inside him he did consider him a friend. He would not admit it to anyone.

He continued to stare at his own reflection for a couple of more minutes. Before stripping the rest of his clothing. Heading to take a shower.

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Marinette was having a mental breakdown. She had to create two outfits for next week's fundraiser. She had enough time to make something simple yet elegant. But the designs for the outfits were worrying her. She had received the invitation stating that it was going to be held downtown. And that the outfits were expected to be formal wear. Sure, Marinette could make formal wear. But, she would need to calculate the amount of fabric she is going to use. And get Damian's measurements. Along with hers. She really needed to update her measurements.

To add on to that. She had found out that some of the more influential people she had met on her journey will be attending. Some she didn't have a good run in. While she hit it off with others. It was going to be a bit hectic for her in the coming week. She also had more on her schedule. Like making sure the cat went to the vet. And the fact that her Uncle Jagged will be coming to visit her in the coming days. He didn't say the day or time. Which stressed her out even more. She didn't know what day or time he's arriving to visit her. She didn't know if he would arrive to see her when she wasn't home. She didn't know how he would react to Damian. She would need to explain the whole cover story again. Marinette wasn't excited to explain it to him or his wife Penny. But she's excited to see Fang again. For she missed the little crocodile that acted like a dog.

But for now, she needed to make a schedule for the coming week. Which will cause her to have her full attention on. Especially the two outfits. Another thing she's worried about was Damian.

She didn't want him to be cooped up in their home for a week. She could call the Kents to watch him for a day. And besides, she wanted him to explore more of Paris. To her it looked like Damian and Jon would make great friends. He just needed to know Jon more.

Deciding that she would have Damian spend a day or two with the Kents. She proceeded to call Clark.

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When the Kents arrived at their hotel. The first thing they did was to decide who was going to shower first. Having to put at a vote Lois is going to take a shower first. So she gathered some clothes to head to the bathroom. That left Clark and Jon by themselves.

"So, Jon. What did you think of Damian and Marinette?" asked Clark. Jon thought about it for a moment.

"I say that they are great people. Although... when I asked Damian some simple questions. Like his favorite color. He said he never had a need for that. Which seemed a bit weird," stated Jon. "But Marinette seems like a great lady! Next time we meet. I want to ask more about her journey!" Exclaimed Jon. Clark smiled at his son. He then thought back to dinner. It still didn't sit right with him that Marinette. Had her some of her bones in the wrong places. And it still bugged him that someone else was talking near them. He couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from. He was then brought out of his thoughts when his phone began to ring.

Checking who was calling him. It was Marinette. He called back.

"Hi, this is Clark Kent speaking," stated Clark.

"Hi, Clark! This is Marinette," replied Marinette

"So, why did you decide to call after the few hours we met each other?" Questioned Clark. He wanted to know why Marinette called him. Even though they haven't met that long ago.

"Yeah... sorry about that. I was hoping that you could watch over Damian for a day or two?" Asked Marinette. Unsure if he would accept her offer.

"Sure, but why?" Questioned Clark.

"This following week is going to be a bit stressful for me. And I think that Damian and Jonathan will be great friends! I also want Damian to explore more of Paris," explained Marinette. Clark accepted that. And proceeded to tell her. That they would continue this conversation through text messages. Marinette also accepted that. And said a thank you then a bye. Ending the call.

"Who was that?" Questioned Jon. Even though he knew the answer to it. Super hearing doesn't exactly have an off switch.

"That was Marinette. And you get to spend more time with Damian," stated Clark. Jon smiled widely at that piece of information.

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