Ch 14: Worries

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During breakfast. The adults catch up on what they have been doing since they last talked. Jagged Stone talked about their tour, Meet and greets, Concerts, etc. The normal things you would do when you are on tour as a Rockstar. During their tour, Jagged gave out some of Marinette's business cards. So now she has a lot of people on her waitlist of potential clients. Which would mean? Some sleepless nights for Marinette. Since she wants to send a personal email to the people on the waitlist. She should hire an assistant. Marinette has thought about it many times. But the lingering thought of them spying on her. Betraying her. Using her. Stealing. Murder.

The wounds Lila made all those years ago still haven't healed all the way. Even if she wants to trust someone. But the thought of someone betraying her for someone else. They could backstab her for another. The reason she had started doing thorough background checks of her clients. She didn't want them to turn around and walk away saying that another made her creation. She didn't want that to happen. Even if the said client has a good reputation. It doesn't mean they are a good person. It may be them on the outside. A person never shows their true nature. Unless it's for their own gain or for the fate of the world.

But an assistant? Marinette has thought back to it many times in the past years. It's just that... Mari won't know their intentions for taking the job. For all she knows. They could be lazy and don't actually take the job seriously. If she had taken the chance to choose one out of a list of potential assistants. She wouldn't even think about hiring one. Sure she would read their offer.

But the thought of trying to trust someone again without them betraying her. Added on to the wound that hadn't healed properly.

It doesn't matter to Marinette. All she wants is someone who can protect themselves. Someone who can support her. Someone who could be a friend. Someone who can speak up for themselves. Someone who she can trust to watch her back.

Marinette wants someone she can trust with all her heart. That they wouldn't give in to a mind trick. But she knows that she can't find that kind of person without trusting them first.


What if she can't find it in herself to trust others.


Of course, there is Damian. But Marinette wants to believe that it's more of her mother's instinct to protect others.


Then again it could be a side effect of being a current holder of the ladybug miraculous. Marinette has been told before that she was a bit overprotective at times.

"Marinette!" Shouted Jagged. Marinette was brought out of her thoughts. And judging by the worried looks of everyone in the room. She must've been deeply thinking.

"Yes?" Asked a startled Marinette. She then took to the chance of petting Lily on the head. Having her attention on her dog.

Penny and Jagged looked at each other. Exchanging worried glances. Before facing Marinette again.

"Are you alright?" Asked Penny.

"Yeah, why?" Questioned Marinette. Turning her attention to her Uncle Jagged and his wife sharing an equal amount of worry.

"You sure love?" Questioned Jagged. Marinette nodded.

"I'm... going to go ahead and start the base of mine and Damian's outfits," explained Marinette. As she quickly escaped to her design room. Closing and locking the door behind her.

────── 〔✿〕──────

"She is still holding on to the past isn't she?" Questioned Penny. She eyed the door that Marinette had locked. Jagged was doing the same.

"What do you mean by 'Holding on to the past?" Asked Damian. For as long as he knew Marinette. She portrayed herself as a caring and strong woman. She never showed anything that might have weakened her in some way. But seeing her leaning against the countertop eating her breakfast. Staring down. Not listening to the conversation that was happening in front of her. Having a blank face painted on her. It was like she bottled up her emotions.

When Jagged and Penny heard Damian repeat a part of Penny's earlier question. It made the couple look at each other. Then at Damian.

"You don't know... do you?" Said Penny. It made Damian confused. What had happened to Marinette that badly affected her? He shook his head at Mme Stone.

"It's not our place to tell. But we can tell you that Marinette had an... eventful past," explained Penny. It made a little sense. But it didn't satisfy the questions still forming inside his head. Waiting for them to be answered. Damian is going to be asking Marinette about it later.

Reaching out for the tv remote. Turning the tv on. He then made his way through the multitudes of channels to find something of interest.

────── 〔✿〕──────

"Dr. Donnovan, how long till the boy is ready to be put to use?" asked the man. As he stared into a test tube that held a boy with his and Superman's genetic features.

"With all due respect Lex, the boy is not ready to see the world yet. Even if we do rush the process. He will not show the full extent of Superman's powers," explained Mr. Donnovan.

"All that matters is that the boy shows some of Superman's abilities. Got it?" Stated Lex Luthor. He continued to observe the boy in the test tube.

"Yes, Mr. Luthor," replied Dr. Donnovan. He continued on with his work.

"Sir, the plans that you issued earlier are going according to plan," stated his assistant.

"Thank you Mercy," replied Lex. He began to make his way to his private elevator. Making his way inside along with Mercy. The elevator doors shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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