Ch 11: The Kent Family

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Damian and Marinette soon said their goodbyes to Mlle Sauvageot. Exiting the store. They then went to explore other stores nearby.

They had arrived at their fifth store of the day. Not counting the thrift store owned by Mlle Sauvageot.

Compared to the last four stores. This one seemed to own more arts and crafts than the standard rows of random items. Looking around. They found some things of interest. Like many animal plushies. Which brought Marinette to look around with Damian trailing behind her. Glancing at the items around them. Marinette had somehow found all the animal-themed items. She presents them to Damian. Asking if he wanted it. He declined all of them. Except for the mug that said 'Animal Lover.'

A smile formed on Mari's face for finding something he liked after visiting many stores. They continued to walk around the store. At one point they looked at the various bean bags in front of them.

"Would you care, if I bought you a bean bag?" asked Marinette as she continued to observe the bags that were on display. She wanted Damian to at least have a new piece of furniture in his new bedroom. She wanted his room to be his own and not a room made for people that came over to visit. Contemplating her options. She moved on to the boxes that contained bean bags of different colors.

Damian gave a shrug at her. Mari took that as an okay. She then took out her phone and took pictures of the item. Making a mental note to shop on the internet for items.

After a few more rounds of the store. They didn't find anything else. They headed to check out at the cash register. To buy the mug.

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They were now taking a stroll around Paris to pass the time. As time passed, Damian made a mental map of Paris. A habit of his that he knows won't break soon.

As they wandered around Paris. Damian started to think about his newfound life. Things went by so fast these past four almost five days of his life. He still thinks back to the first time he saw Marinette. He couldn't remember it clearly. But he does know that the woman who saved him from his mother and his grandfather is Marinette. He only got a brief glance at her before passing out and waking up in a strange room. And the next thing he knows is that he started to grow attached to her.

If he's being honest here. When he first woke up. He was debating whether or not to kill her when she wasn't looking at him. But something kept him from killing her. Like some unknown instinct telling him to not end her life. He didn't know why he listened to his instinct in the first place. He even started to question his life choices. He started to question many things as soon as Marinette came into his life. Strangely, it felt... normal to do things that weren't killing others.

But as those days past. He started to feel a connection with her. He didn't know what the connection was. But he felt like he's meant to be with her. Because of this connection. It caused him to light a fire inside of him. But that fire also caused him to have nightmares of him seeing Marinette on the floor dead. With her blood seeping into her clothing and the floor that she lay dead on. Lily was on the floor next to Marinette trying to wake her up. In hopes of her owner may still be alive. Of course, Damian knew that all this isn't real. But that didn't stop him from staring at her dead body laying on the floor with a smile on her face. Her smile really did send a dreadful taste down his throat. He wondered how she could always stay so positive. Even when she is dead. He woke up to the sight of Marinette next to him. He didn't want her to worry about him. So he faced the opposite direction of her. He didn't want her to protect him. He didn't need protection. Is what he believed.

Then the event from yesterday happened. At first, he didn't make a big deal about the man in the room trying to kill him. He knew that he could've defeated the man. Killed him even. But he didn't have anything that was sharp enough to pierce through someone's skin. So he went with knocking the man out. He had also failed to realize that Marinette saw the whole scenario. Which in turn made her, make sure that he was alright. He didn't know what came over him yesterday. But the thought of seeing Marinette dead left a bad taste in his mouth. But after the few days of knowing her. He had grown attached to Marinette. And he didn't want to see Marinette on the floor dead with a smile on her face. If it did happen. He didn't know what he would do.

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