Chapter 10 - Mrs H

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Taking out freshly baked cookies you sort them into the basket and carefully place in the slices of banana bread you baked earlier. Playing with the bow that was tied on the handle you grab your bag and keys. "Where are you off to?"

"221b Baker Street!"

"Harry not enough that you have to go to Holmes?" Charlie teases.

"I'm going to drop this off for Mrs Hudson! I'll be back soon," quickly shutting the door you make your way down and into the car. After a while you arrive at 221b, looking over the card you get out and place it on the steps and quickly knock the door. On your second knock Mrs Hudson opens the door and unsurprisingly gasps.

"Y/n?" Chuckling you pick up the basket.

"Hey, Mrs H, you weren't actually meant to see me..." she quickly pulls you into a warm hug which you couldn't deny, you missed dearly.

"What are you doing back?" She gives you a questioning look which makes you smile.

"I moved back, New York was a bit cramped," as she takes the basket she pulls you inside. "I was only meant to drop this off-"

"Nonsense," Sherlock hurriedly comes down the stairs in quiet a fit but stops when he sees you.


"Sherlock," you greet the detective as Mrs Hudson glares at Sherlock.

"You knew she was back and you didn't say a word!" Sherlock shrugs and walks back up the stairs. "When did you get back?"

"A few weeks ago?" You wait for the outburst that was going to follow.

"A few weeks?! Y/n!"

"I'm sorry! I was caught up..." she drags you into her flat and sits you down. "What are you doing?"

"We are catching up, young lady," rolling your eyes with a smile as she starts up a conversation, putting on the kettle and preparing cups.


After a long conversation with Mrs Hudson you got a phone call from Ally. Realising the time you said goodbye to Mrs Hudson and promised to visit when you could. Driving down the road you eventually reach your flat and park the car. Happily walking to your flat you open the door and peer in to see Charlie and Ally in the kitchen with dinner.

"You guys cooked?" Ally nods with a grimace.

"It's..." you sit down at your plate and set eyes on the... dinner? It was a weirdly burnt meat with some sort of brown sludge. Ally was evidently not enjoying it as Charlie happily ate the food.

"I don't know who to trust..." taking a fork full of the mush you hesitantly eat it. As you chewed on the slightly... crunchy (?) mush you took in the flavour.

"So?" Charlie looks excitedly at you. Holding in your disgust you quickly swallow it.

"It's great," standing up you look down at Ally who was pleading for help. "But I ate at Mrs Hudson's, so I'm a little full," Charlie nods in understanding and let's you leave. As Ally was signing for you to take her with you, you shake your head and walk to your room.

"Come on, Al, your food will get cold," shutting your door you chortle and walk to the bathroom. Running a warm bath you slip off your clothes and play some music. Getting in you soak in the warmth and lay back in content, a relaxing night just before work the next morning.


The day went smoothly, Ida even updated you on the fact that Victor took her out for dinner again and apparently it was just as wonderful as the first time. Bagging a few books you see a familiar face walk in. "Harry?" The man looks up with a perplexed face.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He walks up to you with a slightly confused smile.

"I work here," you place down your book.

"When we first met you made it seem as if you were a business woman!" You frown and playfully glare.

"You act as if this job isn't the same," he goes to say something but closes his mouth when you cross your arms. "What are you doing here?"

"I actually came in here to find a book to read. Got any recommendations?" You grin and take his arm.

"Have you read The Great Gatsby?" (I swear this is the 3rd or 4th book I've mentioned the great Gatsby and if you haven't read it yet, shame on you ❤️)

"Actually yes I have, it's an amazing book!" Pouting you think for a while before a good book clicks in your head. Walking down the rows of books you find the right book. Animal farm.

"Have you read Animal farm?" He quirks a brow and shakes his head. "Great! I recommend this book, it's very political but it's brilliantly written,"


"Yeah, its about a farm where animals apply the ideology of Communism but the pigs, who introduced it, say that 'all animals are equal but some are more equal than others', I think it's a wonderful book!"

"Politics aren't my area, but I'll take your recommendation," you both walk to the counter where he paid for the book. "I'll talk to you soon," waving him goodbye you sigh happily.

"Boyfriend?" Jumping at Idas sudden appearance you shake your head.

"No, just a friend,"

"Who you're sleeping with?" Dropping your book you quickly pick it up and look at Ida with wide eyes.

"What? No!" She pats your shoulder and smiles.

"Y/n, dear, I have lived through many generations, I'm not daft," rolling your eyes. "And even if you weren't, I know you couldn't stop yourself for long," dropping your jaw Ida happily walks back to her office.


Mrs H and Ida really are the best-

- Anna ❤️

Physical: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now