Chapter 20 - Revenge

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You get a text alert from your phone as you were laying in Sherlocks arms, watching crap telly and commenting on it's stupidity. Picking up your phone you sit up with wide eyes.

We got Harry! Get to Kenley Common ;p ~ Charlie x

Shutting off your phone you stand up. "Where are you going?" Sherlock looks up to you while you shrug on your coat.

"Got a little problem, I'll be back, I promise," you give him a kiss on the forehead before collecting your things and walking out the flat.


Entering the warehouse with two figures at the centre, you fiddled in your bag. Taking out your iconic dagger you eventually stop to greet your cowering and gagged Ex.

"Aww, Jim, is this a present?"

"Only the best for you, my darling," Moriarty kisses you on the cheek. Kneeling down you see Harry back away, pulling on the restraints behind his back.

"Did you really think you would get away with trying to ruin me?" You carelessly hold the dagger and flail it around, Harry's eyes staying on the sharp object. "Look, you could have walked away from what we had with your life but you just had to go spilling information to the police!" You hear him muffle, with a sigh you remove the gag.

"I- I'm sorry! I was jealous and stupid- I won't try anything ever again!" Scoffing, you drag the dagger across his cheek.

"Mhm... I'm sure,"

"N-no! I promise, I swear, for the rest of my life I will not talk to any officer, under any circumstance!" He quivers and shakes as you let out a loud laugh.

"Aw... poor choice of words..." he quirks a brow before stumbling back.

"Y-you can't do it! The police will mark you as the f-first suspect if they find my body!" Giving a face of awe you turn to Jim.

"He has half a brain!" The criminal laughs lightly as he watched you have fun. "No... they won't question me, because documents will say you moved to Russia! And they definitely won't find your body..." Harry says a quiet prayer as you grin and raise the dagger. Slicing his throat easily you feel blood splatter against your face. "Dammit, I liked this shirt,"

"I'll get you a new one," standing up and chuckle at Jim who watches the blood flow out of Harry's neck. "Where were you?" A nervous blush takes over your face as you kept your eyes on the dead body.

"She was with me," your head shoots up to see Sherlock walk in.

"Fuck," you whisper to yourself.

"Y/n, what did I say?" You slowly turn to Moriarty with a scared glance.

"I'm yours?" Jim nods and turns to his rival. "Look, I know this looks bad-"

"What? The dead body or you snogging my rival?" Sherlock sasses. Shrinking in your place Sherlock scoffs at Moriartys eye roll. "Y/n, you need to stop all this killing! You'll get caught, and maybe this time you won't get away with it," Sherlock said with evident worry and concern.

"I promise I won't get caught-"

"It's not just that... I hate to see you covered in blood, over a dead body, innocent or not," Sherlock steps forward with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Sherlock...-" Moriarty scoffs, cutting you off.

"She doesn't need your concern, she's perfectly content with this side of her, let her be, Sherly," Jim mocks.

"Stay out of this, Moriarty," you sigh at Sherlocks growl. "Y/n... come with me, leave all this behind, you're a good person, leave this behind, if not for you, do it for me, for John... for Rosie..." tears started to well up in your eyes.

"Don't listen to him," Jim snarls. "You'll be happy with me, Y/n, this life was made for you, stay with me," you turn to Jim who had a small bit of desperation in his eyes. "You don't need anyone to stay grounded, but in all honesty I need you, and I hate to admit it," biting down on your lip you glance down at the lifeless body of your ex.

"So? Who will it be? Me or Moriarty?" You look up at Sherlock with fearful eyes, fearing of hurting the other with your choice.

"I- I'm-"

"Make the right decision," Jim says softly, taking your hand gently.

"Come with me, come to the good side, leave all this nonsense behind, you'll be happy with me,"

"Will I be able to see the other If I choose one of you?"

"No," they both say in a monotone voice. A shaky breathe leaves you.

"Alright... I-" looking back and forth from the two men you twiddle your fingers. You heart race picked up its pace as you weighed out the options. "I choose..."


OH GOD WE ARE NEARLY THERE! There will be two endings, a Sherlock one and Moriarty one, so you choose! Feel free to check out both!

- Anna ❤️

Physical: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now