Chapter 16 - Arrest

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"Have a nice day!" You wave goodbye the customer just as Ida walked in. "Hey there, any updates with you and Victor?" You tease.

"We uhm... we have actually started dating!" Clapping your hands together you run around the counter and hug your boss tight.

"Congrats!" She chuckles and hugs back. "Well, I know-" the bell of the store rings and you turn to see Greg Lestrade and a few officers. "Greg?"

"Hello, Y/n," one of the officers walks up to you with cuffs.

"Y/n L/n you are being arrested under suspicion of being the Queen of hearts," your face drains of colour. "You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence," Ida gasps and furrows her brows as you turn to her.

"This is nonsense!" She goes to interfere but and officer stops her.

"Ma'am, I advise you to step back,"

"Oh for gods sake, this is ridiculous!" Letting the cold metal clasp around your wrists your were escorted out of the shop.

"Greg, this is stupid, what is this even based on?!" You look pleadingly into the detectives eyes as he sighs.

"I'll inform you when we get to the station," looking around you spot someone under the shade of a tree, smirking in victory.

"Harry..." the man waves at you as your head was ducked under and into the car.


Tapping your fingers against the cold metal table you sigh and look into the one way window. With your head now leaning on the palm of your hand you hear the interrogation room door unlock. Turning your head you face Lestrade who had an insure look on his face.

"Miss L/n,"

"Greg... this is idiotic, you know that!"

"Miss L/n, please calm down," you sigh and nod, letting the man sit in his seat. "You have been arrested under suspicion of being the Queen of Hearts,"

"Yeah..." you grumble. Lestrade nods and takes out files and a recording device.

"This interview will be recorded via the security cameras for evidence later on in court," you give another nod. "A source has piled large amounts of evidence against you, claiming you are the Queen of Hearts," Lestrade plays a recording and explains what it was. Listening to it carefully you hear you and Harry having a conversation after he found out your identity.

"What the..." putting on your best confused face you stared at Lestrade who had a conflicted look. Next he took out photos, slightly blurry but they were photos nonetheless. How the hell did he get these photos? You thought to yourself as more and more pictures were brought out, bodies bloodied and bruised and you drenched in victims blood. Pretending to grimace at the photos of victims you had a first hand encounter with Lestrade looked more and more unsure.

"You have the right to an attorney, if you are unable to afford one, one will be provided," giving a curt nod Lestrade leaves the room.


"I always knew she was sketchy," Donovan sneers as Anderson stood beside her. Anderson stares at you from behind the one way glass but stops when Sally asks a question. "Aren't I right?"

"Yes... you are," Sally grins and leaves the room. Anderson takes one last glance at you before following Donovan out the room.


"Y/n? Where are you?"

"Al, I've been arrested," you hear a gasp on the other end and the approaching of footsteps.

"What?! What do you mean?!" Charlie was evidently worried.

"They think I'm the the Queen of Hearts!" You say in disbelief, hopefully fooling the police listening. "Can you believe it?"

"That's absurd!" Ally plays along. "When can I pick you up?"

"I'm going to court," both girls gasp as they start to shout and swear in disbelief. "Tell Seb,"

"Yeah, ok, stay safe ok?" You say your goodbye as the call ends. Hesitating to put down the phone you do eventually and get escorted back to your cell.


"You did not..." Sherlocks deduction fell on a single file on Lestrades desk.

"All evidence goes against her," Sherlocks thoughts zoom around in his head. Worry. Disbelief. Anger. All these feelings. "Why couldn't you figure it out?" Lestrade looks up at the detective who stops his train of thought.

"Because obviously it isn't her!" Greg groans and pulls out pictures of you in costume covered in blood.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that isn't her," Greg growls. Sherlock stares wide eyed at the photograph "Exactly," Lestrade places the files away and leans back in his chair. "Look, I don't believe it either but if this is true... then-"

"You'll get the promotion you always wanted," Sherlock snarls.

"No! I don't want this to happen to my friend! Even though she moved away to Australia years ago, she's still my friend, a daughter even!" Lestrade gets off his chair and faces the consulting detective. "But with this evidence... It's the universe against her,"

"Then change that," Sherlock eyes the detective threateningly.

"Go against the law? Risk everything I worked for?"

"If she really is like a daughter to you then you would," with that, the consulting detective left the office, quick in pace, on his way to his bloggers household.


I'll leave a juice box right here for you to take: 🧃

- Anna ❤️

Physical: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now