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Instragram: ivyevewrites

Danny saved her latest assignment on her laptop and stowed it away into the bag beneath her desk. She always strives to be prepared for her every class; taking diligent notes, tracking things in her planner and never missing a deadline. However, In Mr. Charles' class, Danny only needs to clear her desk, clear her mind, and be open to listen to the genius mind of her professor. This class was her favorite.

Mr. Charles is a fine teacher. He taught the inter workings of the FBI. All the essential knowledge of the office paper work to field experience, he had it all. And he often loved sharing his stories with the class. Danny could listen to this older man speak all day with his Morgan Freeman like voice. Maybe it was his raspy laugh, but she could imagine a grandpa talking to his grandchildren, providing them with knowledge of the world. It would be amazing if she had a grandad as amazing as Mr. Charles. His intellect and fun stories made him one heck of an entertainer. She could learn a lot from him.

That was Danny's ultimate goal: to make it to the FBI. She knows she can't be too hopeful. Not many people get into the secret service, the special agents, or undercover positions. But even despite the competitive nature of her family, it ran in her DNA, she would just be content working in a local field office. Not all heroes have to be at the front lines taking all the credit. Some work from the background and support the more outgoing people.

It's not that Danny is shy. She just has a hard time being the leader. How can she boss people around, and pretend to be the pack alpha, if she freezes during hard decisions? She isn't cut out for that sort of behavior.

Though, she has already excepted her role as a follower and a regular employee, it doesn't stop her from fantasizing about the coolest FBI group known to man: the BAU. The Behavioral Analysis Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. The title sounded splendid. With all the big words that rolled off the tongue with superiority. The people in that group lived every college students dream. The action, the clever thinking, the beautiful members. Literally, all the members of that team are gorgeous. It was hard to find a flaw with them.

And thankfully, for Danny's class at the University of Virginia, Mr. Charles has some connections. Mr. Charles, the awesome man he is, worked with the one and only David Rossi for a short time in the nineties. Both men are so exceptional, Danny doesn't know who to call lucky. It would have been a delight seeing them work together at once.

She braces herself in her seat for the introduction they all are waiting for. Who knows if anyone is actually as excited as her, but she scuffs her raggedy sneakers across the floor as she scoots her chair even closer. Her chair is in the front row, obviously, but it wouldn't hurt to get closer.

"Sorry I'm late," the childish voice of a young boy is heard toward the entrance door, one that sounds nothing like the Italian agent.

"Ah Spencer, lovely to see you again," Charles exclaims like a true host. "Thank you for filling in for Rossi."

Danny can't believe her eyes. In the flesh, in THE Spencer Reid. The mastermind. The child genius. Boy wonder. The one who carries the whole team on his back, (In Danny's humble opinion). He's so intelligent that he could probably solve a whole case by himself, from what she heard, yet he chooses to stay in the background of his team. Just like Danny would. She can't believe that he's here in front of her class. She's sure he has much more important things to do. People to save. Babies to kiss. Who knows?

"It was no problem," now that she hears his voice again, it's like music to her ears. She hangs on to his every word.

"Thank you. If you would like to explain working at the BAU in your perspective, after a little of your background, that would be great."

And so he starts, and Danny could almost recite his every word. She has studied the whole team in detail. If, theoretically, she would get a chance to meet them. You don't go up to important people like them without any knowledge.

"Well a little of my background," he starts off a little shaky. His eyes struggling to make eye contact with the huge lecture hall. "I attended Caltech at the age of twelve and graduated eventually with three PhDs. I am currently the youngest member of the FBI."

And he stops it at that. How humble. Danny knows he's being modest. He could talk about his other three BAs and his specialization in statistics and geographical profiling. He could talk about his eidetic memory. But he sticks to the surface facts.

Danny listens intently, while in the background she can hear her classmates gabbing in low voices. The high pitches complaining about Spencer.

"A nerd."

"Dude, this guys lame."

"Why couldn't we have had the Sexy Derek Morgan?"

That last one came from a chatty group of girls, particularly the dark haired girl named Trish, and all Danny wanted to do was choke her. Though, she reminds herself that she must stay within the law if she wants to work for the government. How dare they degrade Spencer like that? Danny rolled her eyes.

His speech falters and he scans the crowd for the first time. His face a practiced blank surface, but his eyes are sad and embarrassed. Danny wishes she could do something.

She discreetly shoves her notebook on the floor and it causes a majority of the people to direct their attention to the small commotion. They cease talking and Spencer how has his eyes on her. His brown eyes widen when he sees Danny's subtle wink. She snaps back up with her notebook in hand and rests it on her lap sheepishly. Her head swivels to apologize to the rows behind her. Yet, in her mind she is jumping for joy at how she got Spencer to focus on something other than the comments.

His voice was a little more confident from then on and he explained everything in detail. People in the back row fell asleep, but Danny was at the edge of her chair. She may have even been the only one to laugh loudly at his corny physics jokes. And the best part came at the end.

"Thank you class for listening to Dr. Spencer Reid. He will be a permanent replacement for SSA David Rossi until farther notice."

Danny almost exploded. 

—-Authors note:

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Authors note:

Hello everyone! It's Ivy, and I just wanted to say thank you for reading the first chapter of my story. This is my first fanfic that I have ever written, so I am a little excited. Enjoy the book!

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