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Danny was vibrating in her seat with nerves and excitement. The class was emptying behind her, yet she couldn't move her legs to flood out with them. The girl was rooted to her seat in front of Spencer Reid. While he packed up his graphs that he used for demonstrations, Danny just sat and stared at him. Would she ever find the strength to go up to him?

She breathes in a deep breath and reminds herself that she will have to be an FBI employee someday, and she needs to woman up. And the fact that he is just a human too. She releases the breath slowly and stands on shaky legs to approach the tall genius. In the corner of her eye, she watches Mr. Charles leave the office. His dark skin and grey hair the last she sees before she is left to humiliate herself in front of her idol. At least he won't be there to watch her fail.

"Hi," is all she can squeeze out. Wow, what a great start.

"Hi," Spencer closes the flap slowly and pivots around to face her. The size difference is comical. His height is almost a whole head over her 5'6" stature. She almost looses her nerve.

"I just wanted to say that I love the way you talk," oh. "I mean, no, well yes, but I mean that I liked your lecture. It was good and engaging. I couldn't take my eyes off you." Shit. Could she dig any farther into the ground. She basically admitted her massive crush. Her face heats up along with Spencer's.

"Thank you. I was a little nervous," Spencer gets out and turns his head to the side away from Danny's stare. Obviously, Spencer knows how to save himself form social suicide, unlike Danny.

"I thought you did great. Well, after I saved you," she punches his arm and smirks. The effect has the lanky man almost lose his balance, but they both ignore it for their faces sake. They both couldn't be anymore scarlet.

"You didn't save me," Spencer's voice gets higher with disbelief. He furrows his eyebrows in the cutest way. Danny could melt.

"I did. I created a distraction ," she moves her hands like she's stroking a mystic ball, emphasizing the grand importance.

"Oh yeah sure. I was doing fine by myself," he huffs out.

"Oh so you could have saved yourself from those big bullies with the mean words," Danny stomps her foot. "Admit it. I'm your hero."

"'Big bullies?' And 'mean words' how old are you, five?" Spencer asks, quirking his eyebrow.

"Eighteen actually. About to turn nineteen."

"And you're a senior?" He looks on in shock.

"Not all heroes are the appropriate age for the job. 'Mr. child genius'," Danny sasses back. The banter loosening the tension.

Spencer smiles at Danny. "You're right, my hero. I guess that was a little hypocritical of me."

"I'm glad you admitted that I saved you. You would have drowned up there without me."

"I would like to see you try to entertain a room full of college students," Spencer tightens his hand on his messenger bag.

"Nah. Not my thing. But if it helps, you entertained me. I had the best time watching you on that stage. You really are a good teacher despite all the things I said," Danny looks up at him through her lashes. Her feet shuffle at her admission.

"It does help. I'm glad that you will be watching when I give my next lecture. Right?"

"Right," Danny exclaims in confirmation. Putting a thumbs up.

Spencer almost responds back but his phone rings. He glances at the screen and back up at Danny apologetically before he answers. His eyes dart to the ground and an authoritative voice is muffled over the other end. Danny can't hear who it is or what they are saying but it seems serious. Another case perhaps?

"Okay, Hotch, I'm on my way," Spencer hangs up and glances to Danny. "I had a good time talking to you. I hope to see you again," he pauses, "I would shake your hand but the number of pathogens passed during a handshake are staggering. It's actually safer to kiss."

Danny smiles widely and reaches up on her tip toes to grab him around the shoulders. She yanks the lanky man down to her level and swerves to give him a hug.

"Maybe we can get a rain check on that kiss," Danny whispers cheekily into his ear. She pulls away to the wide eyes expression of a stunned grown boy.

Even after leaving she can still feel the hard body of Spencer Reid pushed up against her. She hopes that kiss comes sooner than later, but that will be his move. 

—-Authors note:

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Authors note:

Thank you to everyone who voted for the first chapter!! I love you guys so much. I was not prepared for such positive feedback.

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