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Danny pulls Harold up outside of the criminal justice building containing Mr. Charles class. It's late in the day, so she knows not many students are around, Mr. Charles has gone home for the day. She knows some other students would still be here, drama kids practicing performances and late tutoring sessions, so she doesn't feel terrified of being alone. She can scream and someone would hear her.

She creeps along the halls ways trying to stay quiet. It's not the best idea to announce your presence to a homicidal maniac.

Creaking the door open, she walks in and finds the light switch. It was way too dark for her liking.

Glancing around with her guard up, her hand over the kitchen knife in her pocket, but the room is empty. Just because she doesn't see him, doesn't mean she is safe. Her hairs stick up on her neck waiting for a sneak attack, just like the one at her apartment but it never comes. Why is he not here?

She takes farther steps into the room to look around, on the white board a picture and words are written. Danny looks behind her one more time before approaching.

Taped up is a copied picture from the printer, and on it Spencer Reid. He's lying at an awkward angle, face in a grimace and hand over his bloodied abdomen. Danny's heart races and she looks on in horror. He promised he wouldn't hurt Spencer. The monster shot him and just stood over him for a picture like a sadist.

Underneath it, are the words 'Blacksburg, VA'

She takes a picture of the white board and runs out to her car. Hopefully Harold will be able to last for a road trip.


Over two hours later, Danny makes it to Blacksburg, VA. Hoping and praying that Spencer is okay, and not bleeding out on the side walk like she saw in the photo.

There is so much Danny wants to say to the BAU agent, the professor turned best friend. She never got a chance to tell him how she really felt. The kiss lingers in her mind.

Thankfully, Harold pulls up outside the police station. She knows the BAU always sets up in the police station. Hopefully they can direct her to the hospital. Spencer wouldn't have gotten shot without someone seeing. He was on a sidewalk for crying out loud, anyone could see from the road. At least that's what Danny was hoping.

Parking Harold, who seems to be on his last wheel, wheezing in exhaustion, she runs into the police station.

"Where is Spencer Reid!" She demands in anger and fright.

A police officer tried to come over and calm her down but she has none of it.

"Where," she demands. Hands on hips.

"The hospital," he sighs, "I'll give you a ride."

Danny nods and follows the officer to his cruiser. "All the rest of the agents are already there. It was a shock that he got shot. But they can't put a hold on the case." The officer shakes her head, frustrated with the agents that should be trying to stop a murderer.

Danny has to check herself before she might slap a law enforcement officer. Now would not be a good time. She thinks only about Spencer and drowns out the sounds of his insistent small talk.

Reaching the hospital, Danny dashes inside without so much as a thank you to the cop. Her mind focused and palms sweaty.

"I need to see Spencer Reid."

The red head at the computer types on the computer. "It seems he just got out of surgery about half an hour ago. You'll have to wait out in the waiting room like the rest of his visitors. Only family is allowed in at this time until he recovers more."

Reid and the awkward girl | S.R.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora