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Spencer leads her to one of the teachers offices down the hall. Only then does she notice they aren't alone. Mr. Charles and his kind eyes are staring at her from the other side of the room. But now they look concerned.

Spencer tried to get Danny in a chair. But for some reason that wasn't happening. Why didn't she want to sit down?

Her mind reminds her that she was already too close to the floor today, and still feels a little jittery. Maybe standing up is better.

"I need you to tell me what happened Danny," Spence says quietly. His hands never leaving her body. She steps away.

"Um, I was leaving my apartment," the words can't seem to get past her throat. "Chinese guy, oh my god. And then the floor and he was on top of me." She rambles. Words tumble out of her mouth and she knows they make little sense.

"Slow down Danny. He was Chinese?" Danny looks over at Mr. Charles, who asked the question. His hand scribbling at a paper. This is a wake up call for her. Her first police report. And she's the victim.

Spencer successfully leads her back to a seat and she starts over, not moving away from his hands this time.

"No. He was a Chinese food delivery man that came to my house a few days ago."


"I was walking from my apartment. I stopped to tie my shoes. He was standing off to the right side of me and I didn't see him until he kicked me. I was on the floor and couldn't breathe. I tried to fight back," her breath catches. "He was too big. Kinda large, like fat. Um, he held me down. I finally got away when I elbowed his nose. That's where all the bloods from. Then I kicked him and ran."

Silence falls for a few moments while Danny clears her mind again. Mr. Charles finishes writing.

"I'll get this all typed up and then I'll have you sign it, okay?"

Danny can only nod. Then they are left alone, as mr. Charles walks out.

"Danny?" Reid's soft voice asks.

"Yeah?" The girl looks to him.

"You did good, okay?" His hand rubs up and down her spine. "I would say I'll catch this guy myself. But, unfortunately, I've got a lot of other cases to do right now."

He looks genuinely concerned that the thought of letting Danny's attacker roam the streets, but Danny knows that she can't make herself a priority to BAU cases. They catch serial killers, this was a minor assault incident. The frightened girl would rather them focus on the people who are dying anyway, no matter how scared she is.

"I'm going to need to take a look at that apartment," he finalizes. And Danny snaps out of her thoughts. Where did that come from?

Danny freezes. What's worse than going back to the place where your rape attack occurred? Going back to your dumpy apartment with your hot professor. As if Danny wasn't already mortified enough.

"Okay. But can we wait awhile? I don't want to go back there just yet," she looks to the floor. It's a hard thing, being brave while talking about your weakness. Spencer pats her on the arm, nodding.

"No problem." Spencer leans back, his hold slips from her body so he can retrieve his phone. Danny misses the warm touch of his hands the second they leave.

She slips into the scenario again. Replaying the awful few minutes to try to pick up any more details. Trying to remove herself from the scene to get an agents standpoint. Yet, she still can't remember his face all the way. What was he wearing? Did he have any identifying features? She can't remember. He must have been one of those people you can recognize on the street, but not from memory.

"Danny," Spencer practically screams in the girls ear. She swivels fast, falling from the chair and kicking him hard in the shin on the way down.

"Ow!" They both exclaim.

"I'm sorry, I've been trying to get your attention for 1 minute and 13 seconds. I shouldn't have scared you though," Spencer comes to the rescue, leaning over the girl on the floor to give her a helping hand.

"It's fine. I was lost in my own world," Danny excepts his inviting hand, clasping it in hers. "Did you want to say something?"

Spencer doesn't release her hand, starring in her eyes and then looking away just as quickly. The silent blush flowing forth. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go to get some food. It can distract you for a bit before we have to go to your apartment?"

Danny watches his foot shuffle on the floor. Why not? Lunch with this adorable dweeb? Anyone would be stupid to say no. Especially with the day she's having.

"Yeah, I skipped breakfast today."

"And then we can look at your apartment." He states with a smile.

Great. Just when Danny thought she was in the clear on that one. 


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