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After the glow of meeting her idol wore off, Danny ran the conversation her had with Spencer over and over again in her brain. How will she ever show her face in class again? She insinuated she wanted to kiss him! Who does that? Danny mentally smacked her forehead.

It was a hard decision, but Danny decided her grades would suffer if she dropped out of school and moved to China. Especially because Dr. Reid practically became their second teacher during the next week. The class warmed up to him a little more and he stopped trying to impress them all with his terrible jokes. Even though Danny secretly missed hearing them, she was probably the only one.

Danny only had Mr. Charles class two times a week, but those were always the best two days for her. She would see her favorite teacher, and her favorite BAU member.

Spencer and Danny shared quick looks during the time he lectured. Their eyes meeting for brief moments and darting away just as quickly. It was like a childish game of tag, and they couldn't stop playing. Though Danny always looked away out of embarrassment, hoping Spencer didn't dwell on their conversation like she did.

After class the fifth day of Dr. Reid teaching, Danny met him at the front like before while everyone else filed out. Danny smiled uncertainly, convincing herself that she would not get an opportunity to talk to him again if she let this class drift by her this semester. Thankfully, when she approached, Spencer never seemed embarrassed about what she said before. He created her with the same smile he did on their first meeting.

After asking Spencer some follow up questions from his lecture, the conversation led them to their favorite tv shows. Danny was surprised he had never watched The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: her favorite tv show. But she was even more awed when he talked about a show she had never watched: Dr. Who. Spencer went on and on. Danny couldn't find it in herself to stop him when it was getting later, he just looked adorable. It was amazing to see the way his face lit up when talking about things he loved.

Today, Danny wanted to have another conversation with Spencer. One that would be just as Interesting as the last one. She felt she had redeemed herself. But as she was slowly packing up, to stall while people left, another girl got ahead of her.

Danny didn't know what to do. Trish, the girl that frequently ruined Danny's afternoons with quiet insults at Spencer, is now talking to the man. Danny could remember all the things Trish said about Spencer to her group of friends. Yet, Trish confidently walked up to Spencer with a radiant smile on her face. Danny tilted her head at the duo and narrowed her eyes at the other girl while she twirled her hair around her finger, tinting her head. Is she flirting? With Spencer? And Spencer seemed to not mind at all.

It makes sense though. Trish was, well, beautiful. In every sense of the word. She carried herself with grace, smiled at every professor and always had her black hair in a perfect long ponytail. Danny wonders what they talk about. Spencer seeming enraptured with the conversation. Something she wished had happened at their first encounter. Danny reminds herself she can talk to him next class. And what would they talk about? Movies this time? Maybe something totally random like dinosaurs or planetary phenomena? Spencer seemed like he enjoyed Trish's company a bit more, having a more mature conversation.

A thought pops up in Danny's mind: Spencer was amazing, anyone could see that, he could get any girl he wanted. Who was she kidding, he probably had a fan club lined up to date him. But she shakes her head clear. Her crush on her idol was getting out of hand.

Danny shoves her folder and notebook in her backpack at almost supersonic speed. Her heart is hammering in anticipation of booting out the door. How could she be so stupid? While shoving her notebook deep into her back pack, she slices a thin line onto her index finger. The paper cut not deep enough to draw blood, but she curses out loud with the sting.

Her cheeks heat up as she gains the attention of the two companions in the room. Spencer looks on in concern and Trish sneers. Danny blushes in embarrassment, wanting a quick and clean exit from the room without them noticing she stayed behind to ogle at them.

The backpack thumps on her back as she throws it over her shoulder and high tails it out of the room. Her mind creating scenarios of Trish and Dr. Reid leaning toward each other. She is disgusted by herself. Maybe a few hours in the library will remind her why she is really at college, and not for the hot BAU guest lecturers.

"Wait," Danny hears a voice faintly as she is already halfway down the hallway. The timber is faint and a little high pitched but she can tell it's a man. And she's ashamed that she already knows who it is, just by the sound of his voice.

She never turns around. Instead, the embarrassed girl puts her head down and speeds up her walking. The soft thud on the floor the only sound in the desolate hallway.

Dr. Reid never called for her again. 

—-Authors note:

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Authors note:

I like to add a little bit of myself in each of the characters I create. Here, Danny loves the show the fresh prince of bel air. I was a sucker for that show back in high school.

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