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"Thanks for the ride," Danny mutters before not lingering a second longer in the stale silence.

After Danny got dressed in Spencer's bathroom, she found the rest of her stuff and they decided to head back to the college. Dr. Reid dropping Danny off before going into work. Apparently the team wasn't back yet, but Spencer wanted to help Garcia. Their amazing tech analysis that Danny wanted to gush over, but she kept her control.

It seemed that both wanted to say something, but neither wanted to talk. And that was okay with Danny. She didn't want to end up embarrassing herself more than she already did, though she did want to know if Spencer slept beside her on purpose. She kept her questions to herself.

It was nice not having to go home, but she knows she can't spend another night with Spencer, she will have to go to her apartment today. After her classes of course, so at least she has some time.

"No problem," Spencer replies with a short smile. Danny looks at his cute face and surprisingly strong jawline and decides to step out of the car before she does something she will regret. Being close to him for so long is messing with the young girls mind.

"I'll text you," is his last statement before he drives off.

Danny turns to the university building with a smile on her face.

Until she sees the wicked witch of the west standing only a few meters away. A blade thin heeled shoe on each foot, and an equally sharp dagger on each finger. Danny has to run for her life before this woman claws her. Just as she turns away, a resounding "hey" is fired in what she hopes is not her direction. But Danny is never that lucky.

"You, girl, turn around," her high pitched voice commands.

"My name is Daniella Estella Garcia. Not girl," Danny's head tilts high at the tall long haired beauty in front of her. Her Spanish accent flaring a little the heat of her voice.

Danny turns on the heel of her only pair of off brand converse and stomps off. She doesn't wanna hear what Trish has to say.

"Just saying you look a little more desperate today than usual, girl" Trish hisses out in annoyance. The mocking clear in her voice.

Danny pauses, takes a deep breath and reminds herself that she doesn't need to feel hurt by the woman's words. Let them roll right off. And on a petty note, she remembers that she was the one in Spencer's bed last night.

With that thought, she marches to class.


After a long education filled day of learning, Danny knows she has to go back home. Harold still sits in all his rust bucket glory, right where Dan left him yesterday.

She slides into the drivers seat and dispenses her backpack next to her, wiping her eyes with a yawn. The day seemed to drag on but Danny stayed for as long as she could before returning to the dreaded apartment. With a kick, her car started and she crept her car out into the night. The sun set just over an hour ago, fall weather was kicking in which meant shorter days.

Pulling up, Danny stares ahead. The apartment building looked the same as it did every time she saw it, but now a feeling persisted. She glances around the car, looking every which way before removing herself from the safely of the car. Shouldering her back pack, she makes the trek up the stairs, the hair on the back of her neck standing at attention as she walks over the area the attack occurred. She can't help but feeling like she's being watched.

Glancing around again, with no one in site, Danny opens the door to her apartment, well what used to be an apartment. A home that she built for herself, is now thrown to bits. The window in the kitchen open with the breeze flapping the curtains. Books and papers scattered everywhere, cushions ripped up and glass broken.

Danny's fight or flight kicks in but she pushed it all down. Tip toeing into the kitchen she grabs a knife from the block and stalks around the dark apartment. If someone is in here, they would have heard her open the door. She has to be quiet.

Danny rounds the corner to the bedroom, exactly like the rest of the house, torn and messed up. She checks every corner, crevice and hiding place she would have in her apartment and no one turns up. Thankfully.

Danny locks the main door and turns on the light. It only serves to farther highlight the damage done to her home, but she has to look.

She can't tell if the person was looking for something, and staged it as a burglary, or if it was just a regular burglary. Obvious things are gone: tv, jewelry, and valuables. But she can also tell they were digging in her drawers, papers missing.

That not much Danny ever kept that was worth much, she had no secrets, nothing that would make her such a target.

Danny just chalks it up to her having the worst luck. First an attack, and now a break in. Something was telling her that this neighborhood might not be the greatest.

Instead of crying over everything and breaking down, Danny reminds herself that she has to be the strong one. She's the only one there for herself and the mess needs to be fixed. Yet, it's hard to feel safe here. She calls the police to file a report, letting them take pictures and then leaving Danny alone with the mess. Her second report in the span of a couple days.

So she picks up a few things off the floor, sweeps up the broken glass, and tries to salvage anything not entirely useless. She packs a bag in the process. Clothes, charger, toiletries and everything to go about a few days in one bag. It will have to do. She can't sleep here tonight.

Going back out, she locks the door behind her and throws the bags into the back of her car before taking off toward the school. She knows she will get attention from sleeping in the library again, and she knows she can't be a burden to Spencer.

Instead, she reclines her seat back, a throw blanket from her bed over her with her pillow, and she sleeps in the car. Harold, the only thing in Danny's life that hasn't failed her yet. 


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