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As told, Danny packed slowly and made her way to the front. Her mood fell after seeing them get cozy during the lesson. But she reminded herself that Dr. Reid wanted a chat and she is anythings but disobedient to her professors. Danny made her way to her favorite BAU team member.

"Dr. Reid," Danny pleasantly greeted, showing no sign of her interior turmoil.

"Hi? Um," he seemed to have trouble again with his words, like the first time they spoke. Danny curses herself for making him act like this, if only she was like Trish, she could find the right words to say so it wasn't awkward. " I watched the first episode of The Fresh Prince and I wanted to talk to you about it. But you know..."

Danny left. Of course she did, to her jealous feelings it looked like he only wanted to talk to Trish, but now Danny could see that he wanted to talk to all of his students. Spencer had seen her favorite show, which surprised Danny. She did not expect him to actually watch it, just figured it was conversation.

"I'm sorry. I had something to do after lecture," she lies. "How was it? What did you think?"

"It was interesting. Not exactly as intellectual as Dr. Who. It was a basic reality show. For the time, it was a little progressive," Spencer puts his hands in his pocket and Danny is sad to see them hidden from view, instead of moving around while he talked.

"Oh. You didn't like it," she forces a smile. She feels awkward again.

"No! Wait. Well yes. It's not my type of entertainment. I'm sorry," he looks genuinely apologetic and Danny feels like an ass again for calling it so bluntly.

"Shit. I didn't mean it like that. I just... I could tell you didn't think it was that good. That's fine. I'm sure Dr. Who is an amazing show. I'll have to watch it sometime," Danny smiles. Spencer mirror the action causing Danny's stomach to flutter.

"Hey, I have to go but maybe I'll see you again this week Mr. teacher," Danny, ready to bolt from the classroom with anxiety. She winks and his cheeks flush. "Nice lecture today. I know all about geographic profiling." Her word vomit comes out. Still talking even after she said goodbye.

"Oh really? An enthusiastic study, I see. When I was in college, I tended to skip ahead of my teachers too," Spencer seems to pause. "Call me Spence, when we aren't in the classroom."

When would they not be in the classroom? Danny thinks. She bites her lip, but quickly stops that train of thought. She debates telling him no. A nickname would be crossing a line with her professor, but maybe he has asked other students to call him the same. She has seen some other people approach Spencer before class recently.

"Okay, Spence," Danny tests it on her tongue and it rolls right off. His hands tighten in his pockets.

"Why don't I give you my number," he adds and Danny almost explodes. "You know, just so I can give you reading material in case you want to get ahead again. Or if you watch Dr. Who and tell me what you think?"

His statement starts out confident and then fades as he goes along. If Danny hasn't seen him flirt with Trish, she would have assumed he was new at giving girls his number.

"Okay. Yeah, I would love to have your number," Danny hands him her phone, unlocking the screen and adding a new contact. He types for a few seconds and turns off the phone to hand back to her. The smile growing on his face. He looked like a child making a move on his first crush, if only that were the case. Danny has to remind herself that she's only a student to him.

After leaving the classroom in better spirits this time, she checks her contacts to see Spencer's. 'Spence' he wrote for the name. At least she can tell he was adamant about her calling him that. No emojis or anything by the contact, just simple Spence.

Danny has SSA Dr. Spencer Reid's phone number. Her inner romantic is screaming. 

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