"Run!" cried the petrified voice of Lux.

Rex made a break for the entrance, Ahsoka and Lux following closely behind him. Suddenly he heard a crack in the cave ceiling. Rex whirled around just in time to see as rocks fell down, trapping Ahsoka and Lux on the other side. The last thing he saw was the look of pure terror on Ahsoka's face. 

"Ahsoka!" he screamed running over to the pile of rocks.

He started to chip away at the rocks, throwing the smaller ones behind his back. He tried to pick up a larger one only to have it crash, just barely missing his foot. He fell to his knees, running his hands through his hair. Gone. His Soka was gone. He couldn't live without her, he wouldn't. He needed her in his life. Without Ahsoka, Rex's life had no meaning. How could he let this happen?

"Ahsoka!" he cried through angry, hot, tears.

"Rex?!" called the muffled voice of Ahsoka.

She was alive. Relief poured over Rex like a waterfall and he choked back a sob.

"Ahsoka" he choked out wiping a tear from his cheek, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Lux and I are trapped. We are going to try and find another way out" she explained.

A wave of anger washed over Rex and he pounded his fist on the nearest rock. Lux was with her. That son of a bantha. If he tried anything, Rex would personally see to it that he was killed. Rex let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and pressed an ear to the rock pile.

"Are you alright?" Ahsoka asked, a hint of worry in her tone.

Rex nodded, "Yeah Soka, I'm fine"

She heard as she sighed with relief.

"Ahsoka" Rex called.

"Yes?" her muffled voice replied.

"Stay safe" he pleaded.

"I will" she murmured.

"I need you to stay alive" Rex pointed out, "I-"

There was a moment of silence.

"I-i need you" he blurted out.

Behind the wall of rocks, Ahsoka gave a sad smile.

"I need you too Rex" she admitted, "I'll be alright, promise"

The small hand of Ahsoka came through a hole in the rocks. Rex dashed over and put her hand into his own. Their fingers intertwined and he kissed the top of her hand gently. He let her hand go and watched, as painful as it was, as it disappeared once more. Rex kept trying to convince himself that everything was going to be alright. She was going to be okay. He would make sure of it.

Ahsoka sucked in a sharp breath before peeling herself away from the pile of rocks. She rubbed her arms and shook off the multiple scenarios that flashed through her head. None of them ended with her surviving. Just the thought of having to live without Rex shook her to the core. She got chills and bit her lip, thinking of all the things they would miss out on together.

"So I guess we're alone" Lux purred, scooting ever so slightly closer to the togruta.

"Hopefully not for long" Ahsoka muttered so he didn't hear her remark.

Lux threw her a sideways look, clearly hearing a bit of the comment. Ahsoka just cleared her throat and began to look around. The hole in the pile was the only light source, the tunnel itself was dark, an inky blackness. She could echolocate with her Montrals, but Lux couldn't. She would have to guide him. She gagged at the thought of having to hold hands with the boy.

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