Chapter Two

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I was so out of breath but kept pushing myself forward. As I got close to our house I slowed down and hid behind a tree. Midnight stayed at my feet as I stared the scene in front of me, catching my breath.

My coven members were being dragged out of the house by villagers from the nearby village. Some of the villagers were talking our potions and possessions and smashing them to bits. I wanted to cry as I watched them break the matching glass figures, with our main elements together that Poppy and I shared.

Cupping my hand over my mouth as my eyes started watering, I heard Aqua, our head witch, cry out, "Stop it! Release us! We're harmless!"

I saw her whip her head around, her brown skin shining with sweat, as she tried to push away from the guy holding her hands behind her back. Her hip length dark-brown hair was everywhere while her periwinkle eyes shined with anger.

I turned around and sprinted back to the clearing, tears flowing from my eyes, knowing full well that Poppy, the girls, and I were the last of our coven left.


I reached the clearing out of breath with Midnight meowing and pawing my leg. I sent Midnight a series of pictures, letting her know that we would go under the willow with the others.

She jogged ahead of me and sat in front of willow leaves. Pawing at it, she let Poppy know who it was.

As I walked up to the willow, Poppy pulled the leaves back and Midnight and I walked in. I sat down at the bench, Midnight jumping up to sit on top, and told the girls what I saw as Poppy sat next to me. I had to hold back tears as I mentioned them breaking our stuff, remembering our glass figures.

They all stared at me in shock. We sat in silence before Skylar asked, "Where will we sleep? Better yet, where will we live?" She pulled her mid length, wavy, gray and white high pony tail over her dark brown skin and started twisting it with anxiety.

Everyone looked to me. Why did they all expect me to know what to do? Midnight walked over to me, sat down in front of me and showed me images of tall, dense thorn bushes surrounding the clearing, and the roots forming beds.

I nodded at her, letting her know I understood.

"We'll live here, under the willow." I got up and walked out from under the willow and over to the edge of the clearing. Focusing with all my power I willed 10-feet tall, dense, Thorn bushes to sprout from all around the clearing. I left a small hole for Midnight to freely go through.

I turned back around and saw the four girls staring at me, in trance at what I'd just done. When they saw me looking at them they pulled their heads back in. I silently giggled at them.

Pushing my way through the leaves, the girls gathered around me.

"Will I be able to do that?" Daisy asked first.

"If you can do that what can I do with fire?" Flame excitedly asked, looking down at her hands.

"Yeah, what could we do?" Skylar and Topaz synchronized.

"You'll learn to do things like that with time." I told them.

"I wish we knew them now." Skylar pouted.

"Me too" Daisy agreed.

"Definitely." Flame said.

"I'm too impatient now." Topaz complained.

"Soon girls, soon." Poppy said.

"I'm not done." I told them, hoping this would cheer them up. "Single beds or bunk beds?" I asked them.

"Bunk beds!" They cried.

With a small chuckle I walked over to an exposed root of the tree and asked for Poppy's help while telling the girls to stand back. Telling Poppy my plan, we willed the roots into three sets of bunk beds. We would still need our bedding but I was confident that Poppy and I could make the trip without getting in trouble.

"Amazing!" Daisy cried.

The rest of the girls just stood there, jaws open. Looking at us like we were pegasi.

"Stay here. Poppy and I are going to get your bedding. If anything happens, send Midnight to fetch me." I told them.

Poppy headed out towards the edge of the clearing. I waited for the girls to reply before following.


I was right. No one was at the coven, sadly not even a coven member. We returned with all of the needed bedding. Helping the girls fix up their beds, we were ready for the night.

Poppy be I shared the bunk closest to the willow's leaves, with Flame and Topaz in the one next to us, then Skylar and Daisy.

I had the top bunk which Midnight enjoyed sitting atop of and watching us walk around below her. They girls loved her silly nature, she would definitely help keep the girl's spirits up.

Maybe we could get used to this for a while.

~Thanks for reading! Enjoy the story :)~

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