Chapter Six

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While we walked to the village I told the three of them about the coven- leaving out the fact that I wasn't the only witch from my coven left. I told them about the traitor my coven had and they agreed to help me figure out who it is.

Before we got to the village I picked up Midnight, not wanting her to get lost. When we got to the village it was a lot to take in. The plaza we walked into was a circle with a fountain in the middle and a platform to side of it, facing rows of seats.

I guess that's the announcement spot.

The plaza was surrounded by little shops with roads going out towards the South, East, and West. Looking around at the shops I saw clothes, food, a small furniture shop, toys, and a few more that I couldn't tell what they held.

"Don't look around too much, most villages look like this." Alex told me.

Alex, Sally, and Lily started walking down the West path, causing me to jog to catch up to them. Talking with Lily, mostly about our powers, I took in as much as the town as I could.

Most of the buildings were one story, a handful being two stories. They were all different colors, ranging from light green to dark blue. They all had a cobblestone colored roofs with white edging around the windows. By the looks of it there were decently sized backyards, some even had a little pool or trampoline.

It was a while before we stopped. Looking up I saw a dark blue house with a red door that was lead up to by a small porch that had a small covering. This was a two story house with a smaller sized backyard and a large tree.

Leading me inside I saw a kitchen that looked similar to the coven's as well as a living room with gray walls, a tan 4-person couch, a dark brown coffee table, and a brick fire place with a decent TV about it.

"We'll be down here making a little snack and Lily can show you our guest room." Sally told me.

So I followed Lily upstairs and found myself in a small corroded with two doors. One has in sparkly text Lily while the other was blank.

"Well I know which one is the guest room." I said.

"Yep. I'm guessing the sparkly Lily text gave it away?"


"Well I'll leave you to it."

Walking to the door I placed Midnight down before opening it to find a white walked room with a twin bed with white bedding. There was a built in closet in the left wall and a little nightstand next to the bed.

Midnight walked in and started rubbing her head on everything before jumping on top of the bed and curling up for a catnap. I took my shoes off and put them next to the door before closing the door and walking downstairs.


An hour later and I was heading back to the village plaza. Hoping to find someone that could tell me what the traitor looked like. When I got to the plaza I could see a few groups of two to three people, gathered around the fountain. I walked up to one of them and heard a part of their conversation.

"Is it true what that girl said? Was there really a house of witches in the woods?" A women asked.

"Yep and from what I heard they took everyone there and smashed the place up before taking them all to the jailhouse." A guy said.

That peaked my interests. Maybe I could find something out from them.

"Um excuse me? But what are you talking about?"But

They both stopped and looked at me before the girl said, "You don't know?"

"No, I just moved in here today with my aunt and uncle."

"Oh, makes sense. But a day ago a hoodie figure with I think black hair came to the village saying there was a house full of witches in the woods. And yesterday Louis, our mayor, brought out a grouping of people and found those witches and took 'am to the jailhouse on South St." She pointed to the road in front of me.

"Wow. That's crazy!" I pretended to act surprised witches existed. "Thanks for telling me. I've gotta go now, bye!" And with that I turned around and almost sprinted back to the house.

The whole time I walked back I thought of my different coven members with black hair.

~Thanks for reading! Enjoy the story :)~

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