Chapter Twenty

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"Poppy? How could you?" I cried. I was ready to burst into tears. My own best friend! The witch I thought of as my sister, was a traitor.

"I wanted enough money to get me out of here! So I could act like a human. I never wanted magic, I didn't want this! That money could've given me the escape I wanted!"

She whipped her hands up, making the wind howl like a wolf. Then she made a flame, bringing it up to the wind and making an element flame thrower.

All of our hair got plastered to our faces or other's faces in the wind.

I quickly made a water shield large enough for all of us to stand behind.

She tried to shoot the flame at us but the fire went out as it hit the water. Angry she leaned down, the wind still howling, and made vines grow at my feet that reached up and displaced the water, destroying the water shield.

Ren sprang up behind me, making an plant wall that we soon helped in making, layering it up.

We were no match for her flame thrower and soon we were back at square one.

Jamie tried using plants to grab her wrists and ankles but Poppy just used them against her, pinning her to the ground. I'm a panic I tried to help her but my earth powers weren't enough to combat Poppy's.

I got knocked over by a strong water ball, sending me sprawling to the ground. My dress was hit by a fire ball, missing my leg by an inch.

When I finally stopped rolling, I pushed myself to my feet, getting ready to join the fight again.

I looked around quickly and saw Jamie had a huge burn on her arm that Oceania was tending to, Julie was in a head to head battle with Poppy. One would throw a fire ball, which the other would combat with a water ball before it switched.

I felt hopeless.

That's when I saw them. Skylar, Daisy, Lily, Topaz, and Flame were at the edge of the clearing, walking towards Poppy.

I watched with anxiety as Skylar and Lily made the wind howl so much that it was close to ear ringing- blocking out every other sound. Then Daisy bent down and made huge vines grow from the ground that zoomed towards Poppy at an alarming speed. First the vines wrapped up her feet, before traveling up her body.

Poppy stopped making the wind howl and focused on trying to stop the vines but Daisy's magic was stronger.

Soon only one of Poppy's hands was free, the other pinned at her side. Using that one hand she started throwing fire balls at us. I made another water shield as Topaz made a water force field around Poppy.

Daisy covered her other arm with vines, making it impossible for Poppy to use magic. Then Flame used fire to burn the ends of the vines, sealing Poppy like that.

They all turned and high-fived each other, making everything calm down as their arms fell to their sides. Topaz still had one arm up, keeping the water force field up.

"That was insane." I said, looking around at the clearing.

There was burn spots scattered around with puddles of water. Everything that could be blown around was and was either stuck in trees or bushes.

That's when they realized everyone had started watching them.

"You're not mad at us?" Topaz asked.

"You saved our butts! Of course we aren't mad." Oceania said.

"I'm slightly mad, slightly." I said as I was finally able to free Jamie.

"We aren't in trouble though, right?" Lily asked.

"Not at all." I replied, a smile on my face. "Let's go get the rest of the coven back!"

Everyone cheered at me. Thankfully the older witches had made a potion while I was asleep that could stop time and then another that would erase their memories of anything witch or magic related.


Lily got Jacob out of the village while the rest of us went in. Jamie smashed the time-stopping potion on the ground, catching people's attention at the smashing noise before everything else but us was frozen in time.

"Julie, follow me." I said and together we ran for the jailhouse.

When we got inside I found my way to our coven's cell, passing frozen in time cops. Everyone was standing up and looking around at everything stopped midair.

"Julie, Storm!" Aqua cried.

Julie shared hellos with everyone as I found to keys to the cell. Soon I had the key in the lock and was freeing everyone.

Together we all raced back to the plaza. Upon seeing us, Jamie smashed the memory potion to the ground, racing out with us as the potions started to wear off and work.


We fixed up the clearing used magic, of course. Putting the root beds into the ground again, shortening the willow's leaves again, and growing back grass in the burn spots. We also finally got rid of the thorn bushes.

After fixing up the clearing, we fixed up the coven. Throwing out rotten food, putting the bedding back on the beds, putting everything back in it's place, and finally sweeping up the mess of broken pieces of our things.

As I was sweeping I can across the pieces of the figures I had shared with Poppy. I angrily swiped the pieces into the dust pan, angry at her.

Speaking of her, Aqua cast a spell on her that wouldn't allow her to walk into a village and would send the head witch of any coven the memories at what she had done, forcing her to be a lone witch forever.

After we finally fixed everything we went to the lake. Lily was still with us, she's be going home tomorrow. We splashed around, swam, and jumping into the water off the large rocks that stuck out of one side.

Midnight had found a warm, sun-lit rock to sleep on.

When we finally got out of the water we put our towels together, forming a large towel blanket. And together we sat knew to knee, shoulder to shoulder. I was so happy seeing everyone again. Everyone from Aqua to Lily.

This was home and this was my family. And in that moment, there was nothing more I wanted.

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