Chapter Sixteen

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Rolling over I saw Oceania laying on her back, eyes wide open, but still in a sleeping position.

"Did you just wake up?" I asked, my mouth dry and throat straining to get words out after waking up.

"Yep." Was all she replied before clearing her throat.

I pushed myself up and off my bed, slipping on socks and my converse. I grabbed my brush off the bench and brushed out my rats nest of hair. Walking over to the river I took a refreshing sip of water, Oceania soon joining me to do the same.

This morning she went out and got breakfast, returning with enough berries for all of us to have a filling fruit salad. I made it with her as everyone started waking up.

With a slightly stifled yawn and a stretch Daisy said "Good morning!" In her normal bubbly manner.

Everyone else either mumbled their good morning or hellos or didn't even say anything.

We ended up sitting in the grass dying our fruit salad, there wasn't enough room on the bench. It was mostly the girls talking, asking about training, exited to have such a high skill level when it came to powers.

"What are we doing today in training?" Daisy asked, practically bouncing on the ground.

"We'll be teaching you to use two powers at once, more specifically the opposite elements." Poppy told them.

"Like Flame and Topaz's water fire ball, but by yourself." I said.

They all shared a look of excitement before So glad turned to me and asked, "What about air and earth?"

"You will try to make, at least, a small tornado while growing a plant." I said.

"When can we start?" Topaz asked, all of them jumping up.

"Soon, at least after we finished breakfast." Poppy responded.

They say back down and pretty much inhaled the rest of their breakfast, jumping back up again and heading for an open spot. The rest of us ate in almost complete silence, each of us bringing up how we were when we started training and comparing it to them.

Poppy and I got up after finishing our breakfast, leaving the others to eat the last bits of their's, and walked over to the girls. They almost immediately went silent and faced us.

"Well I think they're ready to begin." I said jokingly.


"OK. Everyone, get a water ball." They followed as I instructed, each having a decent sized water ball in front of them. Shaping a flame to life in the fire pit I said, "Now using your other hand create a similar sized fire ball." Again they followed what I said. "Now, slowly combine them." I said making a combining movement with my hands.

They all looked nervous as they brought the two balls together- well Topaz and Flame didn't look as worried. All of them were perfectly fine. The two balls combined, some a little more perfect than others, and no accidents happened.

"Now practice pulling them apart." I made a pulling apart movement with my hands.

They pulled them apart and again, no accident.

"Alright, so both some more and get used to the feeling."

Combining the two again the four of them held them together longer before pulling them apart. They did that a couple more times before we told them to put the fire out and water back.

"Alright." I began. "Now, make a tornado like normal," they all did as asked. "and once you feel comfortable with that, bend down and grow a plant Rom the group while keeping control of the tornado."

They struggled a little at first, flicking their eyes between the plant they were growing and the tornado, before they found the middle ground. Skylar, gaining confidence, larger here tornado. The others, wanting to top each other grew their plants and tornados.

"Be careful." I told them.

Soon each of them had a plant as tall as them and a tornado in the palm of their hands.

"Good job." Poppy said.

I nodded in agreement. "Finish up and you're done training for today." I told them.

They all put their hand down, the tornado leaving in the process, and focused on reversing the plant. Walking away together, happily talking about how they loved training.

Sharing a quick goodbye, Poppy and I want separate ways. Once alone I started thinking.

I need to find out who the traitor is, and fast.

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