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Zuko's POV
I was sparring with another member of the crew, practicing my fire bending and Y/N was watching me from the sides. We'd barely spoken since escaping Avatar Roku's temple, she seemed pretty shaken up about it.

As I sent a fire blast flying forward, the ship began to turn and sent all three of us flying to the edge of the ship, Y/N went over the edge and had to hold onto the side of the ship before pulling herself back over.

"Are you okay?"

She sighed and smiled at me, I hadn't realised how much I've missed seeing her smile,

"Don't worry about me, I'm an excellent swimmer!"

She winked, I just shook my head and turned to the cabin that the captain was in,

"Someone's changing our course!"

I stormed upstairs to the cabin and shouted at the captain:

"What is the meaning of this mutiny, no one told you to change course!"

Then I was interrupted by my uncle who interjected with:

"Actually, someone did. I assure you it is a matter of up most importance, Prince Zuko."

"Is it something to do with the avatar?"

"Even more urgent, it seems I- I've lost my lotus tile."

"Lotus tile?"

"For my pai sho game. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant. But it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ."

My blood began to boil, he couldn't be serious... well, it was very in character for my uncle, but now of all times?

"You've changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?"

"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call. Hopefully, they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life."

I was so frustrated, I let out a frustrated growl releasing fire and smoke into the room before storming out as uncle said,

"I'm lucky to have such an understanding nephew."

As I made my way downstairs, Y/N ran over to me,

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?"

"We're stopping at this port of call so uncle can get a piece for his game"

She looked lost for words, after a while, she finally said,

"Thanks, by the way, you saved my life yesterday"


I scratched the back of my neck and looked down to my feet,

"Yeah, no problem, you saved my life first. Thanks for following me."

Her cheeks dusted a light pink and she muttered a "you're welcome".

When we arrived at the port, Y/N wanted to practice some bending and ran off saying she'll be back in ten minutes when my uncle finishes checking the merchants for his lotus tile.

But after about fifteen, uncle said that he hadn't found one but did happen to pick up a ridiculous amount of junk that we didn't need.

Before we boarded our ship again, uncle decided to wander onto another ship full of merchants and their goods. Uncle amused himself browsing through their stock, but I overheard the merchants talking about losing a water tribe girl and the little bald monk she was travelling with.

Fire & Rain: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now