The Blue Spirit: Part 2

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Zuko's POV
A while after Y/N had fallen asleep at the other end of the sofa, I grabbed my dual swords and crept out stealthily, being incredibly careful not to wake Y/N or uncle up.

Below the apartments there was a small ditch, underneath some leaves I had hidden my mask and had already changed into my black outfit.

I mounted my dual swords onto my back and pulled the mask over my face before disappearing into the night.

I knew exactly where I was going.

I darted across the rooftops to a quiet street with small houses and slipped my sword through the crack of the door, unlocking it.

I crept into the bedroom where I saw him.

As I stared at him sleeping I felt the anger rising in my body, he didn't deserve to rest peacefully, so contently... my mind started to blur.

I brushed my thumb against the blood on her lip. I can't believe I let this happen. I let her down. She was bleeding. She was injured. I didn't even do anything about it. I couldn't do anything about it. I left her alone with him. I left her in danger. I knew she was in danger and I left her.

I blinked a few times and quietly exhaled.

I stepped forward and pulled the disgusting peasant from his bed by the front of his t-shirt and slammed him into the wall behind him.

He shot his eyes open but he was dazed and confused; I pulled one of my swords from my back and pointed it towards him.

"Who are you?"

I didn't reply.

"Get out of my house."

I didn't reply.

"You don't know who you're dealing with."

Again, I didn't reply. I simply replaced my swords and gestured for him to follow me.

I heard him gulp as he followed me into his living room, I picked up his sword that leaned against the wall and handed it to him before pulling out both of mine and taking my stance.

"Listen, I don't wanna fight you, man."

I didn't move, he grew irritated and finally lunged at me. I dodged him, obviously before slicing at his arm. I heard him wince in pain, good.

He yelled,

"Are you crazy!?"

As he advanced on me again I swiftly moved out of the way before adding two more slashes to his arm and a larger one on the other.

He hissed out.

I wiped my swords with my sleeve before replacing them on my back, kicking his sword from his hand and grabbing him by his top then pushing him against the wall.

I felt the fire inside me burning, my jaw was clenched, my muscles were tense and I was shaking- but not because I was afraid.

I clenched my fist before pounding it into his face, definitely leaving bruising. I dropped my fist and held his face in the light so I could examine it.

I watched the blood smudge around his lip, the same way I had seen blood smudged around Y/N's lip.

I dropped him and he crashed into the ground, fear written all over his face, but I didn't care, not this time, not after what he did to her.

I left him there and disappeared back into the night.

I woke up in the middle of the night and Zuko was gone.

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