Sozin's Comet: Part 2

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Zuko's POV
As Sokka packed up the last of our things, he turned to us and announced,

"Okay. That's everything."

Toph who was sat a few feet away replied,

"No, it's not. Where's Aang?"

We all ran into the house and searched for him,

"Aang? Aang!"

"Come on, lazy bones. Let's go."

But he wasn't in the house, he left his staff behind and his footprints led up to the ocean.

Sokka said that there was no sign of a struggle, so he hadn't been captured, Toph thought that he had run away but Sokka disagreed since he'd left behind his glider and Appa.

Sokka was certain that Aang had gone on a spirit world journey but I countered,

"But if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?"

He slumped forward in defeat. Katara suggested we all split up and searched Ember Island for him.

Toph quickly grasped onto my arm and announced,

"I'm going with Zuko!"

I felt my cheeks heat up, being on team avatar was very different from the life I had lived back home, I wasn't used to casual physical affection besides uncle and Y/N- and also back when I was in a relationship with Mai.

My sister and my father looked down on me, like I was nothing, the last time I had come into any physical contact with my father, he burned half of my face off, and the last time I had come into near contact with Azula, both of us and Y/N nearly died.

Everyone questioningly stared at Toph who responded,

"What? Everyone else went on a life changing field trip with Zuko! Now it's my turn!"

Sokka left on Appa, whilst Suki and Katara left to search the town and I made my way further down the beach with Toph.

She was going on and on about her life story whilst I mumbled "uh huh" a few times as I continued looking around for Aang.

Whilst she was talking and I was searching, my mind drifted to Y/N... I wondered what she was doing.

Was she safe?

I should've tried to stop her.

If I had asked her to come with me on the day of black sun, before she had read my note, would she be with me now?

I shook my head.

Focus on the task at hand.

"And then when I was nine, I ran away again."

"Uh huh."

"I know I shouldn't complain. My parents gave me everything I ever asked for. But they never gave me the one thing that I really wanted- their love, you know what I mean?"

I hung my head and groaned before turning to Toph and bluntly stating,

"Look, I know you had a rough childhood. But we should really focus on finding Aang."

I pivoted back around and continued walking as she mumbled,

"This is the worst field trip ever."

After over an hour of searching, we all returned to the house without Aang.

Toph sat up and asked,

"Hey, wait a minute! Has anyone noticed that Momo is missing, too?"

Sokka's eyes grew wide and he turned to Appa,

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