Ember Island: Part 1

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I arrived at the palace to spar with Azula, who wasn't in the court yard where she usually is.

Curious. She's never missed out on training, not even once.

I made my way into the palace and made my way to Azula's room, I knocked on the door before opening it, she was sat in front of her mirror as a maid styled her hair,

"Azula? Is everything alright? You weren't in the court yard for training when I arrived."

"Did Zuzu not tell you? We're going to ember island for the weekend, father wants to meet with his advisors alone- you were invited, are you not coming?"

Oh I was definitely coming.

"Of course, I'll grab my stuff and meet you at the docks?"

She nodded and I ran back home to grab my stuff.

We had set sail, Zuko was sat with Mai and I was leaned against the rails beside Azula as Ty Lee walked around excitedly. She turned to Azula and exclaimed,

"I'm so excited to spend the weekend on Ember Island! It's gonna be great to hang out on the beach and do nothing!"

Zuko retorted,

"Doing nothing is a waste of time. We're being sent away on a forced vacation. I feel like a child."

Azula looked over at him,

"Lighten up. So Dad wants to meet with his advisors alone, without anyone else around. Don't take it personally."

Ty Lee tried to change the subject and asked,

"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?"

"We used to come every summer when we were kids."

"That must've been fun."

Zuko looked out at the horizon and moodily added,

"That was a long time ago."

When we arrived, we were greeted by Lo and Li,

"Welcome to Ember Island, kids."

They took us to their beach house and Zuko screwed up his nose and muttered,

"It smells like old lady in here."

Mai sarcastically responded,

"Gee, I wonder why."

There was a picture of two beautiful young women in bikinis hung up on the wall, Ty Lee admired it and asked,

"Who are these two beautiful women?"

Lo and Li stood in front of it and asked,

"Can't you tell? It's Lo/Li and me."

They pressed their bums together, mimicking the painting.

Zuko retched in his mouth and I felt my stomach hurl.

Ty Lee then fell back onto the bed and complimented,

"Ooh! I love this seashell bedspread."

But Mai didn't approve,

"Are you serious? It looks like the beach threw up all over it."

I rolled my eyes.

Then Li and Lo told us,

"We know you're upset that you were forced to come here this weekend. But Ember Island is a magical place. Keep an open mind. Give it a chance. And it can help you understand yourselves and each other. The beach has a special way of smoothing even the most ragged edges."

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