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It's you. Only you. You're all I could think of. And I'm sorry if I'm too much. But that's how my life is. I could only love one at a time. But it could go beyond boundaries. It could withstand a thousand rejections. But it will stay. And I'm sorry if you're tired of pushing me away. I know you're tired of everything. I am, too. You see, I'm just waiting for this to pass. Because I know in my heart I can't force myself to stop or force myself to love anybody else. I swear, it won't work. Trust me, I've tried a thousand times. I simply can't unlove you. It would be pointless. And it would seem like trying to push away the waves that would still find its way back to the shores. It's like the stars during the day- you know it's there, but you know there's someone else brighter than it. But it's there. Still hopeful. Still waiting. Don't worry. I'll always be there. I promise. And I swear rejection would just be another day.

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