Walk Away

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I let you go five years ago when I said there was no hope with what we had left. I remember the uncertainty in my heart, and the way you let me walk away. It was the hardest walk I ever had.

I let you go four years ago when we talked the last time. I have found the love of my life, and you were uncertain about someone new. But I let you walk me out one more time, this time I found something true.

I let you go three years ago when I haven't thought about you for a year. I found a home in someone else's company. And I was finally afraid to walk away. I heard you're finally with someone, and this time it's serious.

I let you go two years ago when I saw you finally had the happiness that you deserve. I never thought you'd find love the way we had before. But I'm happy you did it with someone who'll love you unconditionally.

I let you go last year when I saw you from across the street. You held her hand and walked towards the bus, but I was there, already home. I heard you've moved in with her.

I let you go yesterday when I saw you from my screen. A genuine smile that I used to know- it was the same smile that let me know that love can be seen in someone else's happiness. And maybe this time, I finally have to walk away from everything completely.  

You once told me that walking away would be the best decision I would do. But sometimes I wonder what if walking away lead me back to you instead.

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