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There's this girl who embraced oblivion like a gift- a gift that she can't wait to have. All her life she spent every single moment in bliss and the thought of having to rest from this terrifying place. She was too eager to stop everything from the start that BADASS was written all over her face. She was wild and free. Adrenaline used to run in her veins, but now it's as cold as the day everything started to change. She wasn't waiting for oblivion to come anymore. Oblivion became part of her life. Every day seems to be another hell to get through. Yet this gift is unfamiliar to her now. Oblivion feels bitter and cold. It is ridiculously terrifying. 

Oblivion was written all over you, but she had no clue. But then you had to pour everything you were into her. Now she sleeps coldly at night, hoping the oblivion you gave to her would cease. 

She closes her eyes. Next time she needs to be careful.

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