Chapter 7: A Friend's Blessing

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—————/A few hours after the library date/
Kokichi's POV
I was walking around when I heard something familiar.
I looked down and saw Monophanie. What the hell does she want? And why is she alone?

"Daddy asked us to tell you that if a murder doesn't happen before night time tomorrow, you will all be executed!" Monophanie exclaimed happily.
"Oh. Do the others know too?" I asked.
"My siblings are telling them!"
"I see. How exiting nishishi~!" I faked a smile and Monophanie left.

Gosh I really hate the monokubs. Anyways, if Monophanie was right, Shuichi probably knows about the timer. I looked around for him and saw him at the hallway.

"Shuichi!" I said.

He turned around and replied quickly.
"Ah, I was looking for you."
"The timer." We both said.
"What if anyone actually murders someone?" I asked.
"We need to start gathering attention and quickly. We have until the timer goes off to get the audience on our side."
"No time to lose huh. Nishishi~ this is escalating real quick!"
"Alright we need to go. Where are the others?"
"Probably at the gym."

We started running towards the gym. When we got to the door we gathered air and entered calmly. Everyone seemed to be on a debate on how to survive this. Shuichi didn't hesitate and got into the center of the argument.

"Nobody will kill anyone. And that's definite."
Shuichi continued calming everyone down.
"We have until night time tomorrow to find the mastermind. There's no time to lose."
"That's my sidekick! We will find the mastermind and stop this killing game!" Kaito said.

Shuichi glanced at me and I nodded slightly. It's on this situations we must add tea. But Jesus this plan is going to end my reputation. I walked towards Shuichi and while wishing I was dead hugged him.

"Nishishi~ You're good with words aren't you Shumai?" I said while crying internally. He looked down and smiled at me. Of course only I knew he was dying inside just as me.
"Haha.. yeah.. if you say so." Shuichi said while playing with my hair.

And those were the most
🧚🏻‍♀️✨u n c o m f y🧚🏻‍♀️✨ seconds of my existence. Anyways everyone was dead staring at us. Specially Tsumugi. I could feel her staring.

"Uh let's make the groups." Maki said. We got a board and wrote down the groups in which we would look for clues.

/The list goes something like this :>/
Group 1: Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Kiyo.
Group 2: Miu, K1-B0, Gonta, Tsumugi.
Group 3: Kaede, Rantaro, Kirumi, Ryoma.
Group 4: Maki, Kaito, Shuichi, Kokichi.

With the groups decided we separated. I don't know what is Shuichi's plan right now, since he was the one who made the groups. Why did he have to place me with Maki?? If stares could kill she would have murdered me at least 6 times by now. Anyways, I kept on my facade with Maki and Kaito, since I don't trust them a lot. Whenever I felt it necessary, I just said some stupid comment about Maki or something. She was killing me in her mind of course.

We looked around for something that could act like a 'clue'. And every once in a while Shuichi and I made some stupid move like hugs or compliments. Maki clearly was disgusted and Kaito was kind of awkward but supportive.

As long as this gets us protection from Tsumugi, I'll do my best not to puke. Well, I must admit it's a little fun. And Shuichi is good looking in my opinion.

After a few hours of search, I realized that Shuichi is doing his best so that Kaito and Maki don't hate me. Maybe that's part of his plan? I sighed. Alright. I won't be that of an ass with them. Maybe we can be friends. If Maki doesn't murder me.

—————————————/Night time begins/
Shuichi's POV
"Alright. I will go to my dorm for now." Kokichi said as he put his arms behind his back and walked away. I waved at him and he waved back. When I turned Kaito and Maki were looking at me.

"What is your relationship with Kokichi?" Maki asked dead serious.
"What? Why do you ask?" I said trying to keep act.
"Listen sidekick, I think it's pretty obvious there's something going on between you and Kokichi." Kaito said.
"W-We are just good friends." I was a little nervous by now. Why? I don't know.
"Hey, it's alright. Kokichi may not be our favorite person, but if you love him we support you." Kaito said. Instantly Maki looked at Kaito like 'wait what' and then looked back at me.
"Alright. Just don't get him close to me." Maki said.

Even though our relationship is fake, for some reason the fact that Kaito and Maki support it feels.. wonderful.

"T-Thanks guys." I stuttered.
"So, you do like Kokichi?" Maki asked.

For some reason I could feel my face heat up. I was internally complaining about this plan when I realized something. I didn't want to say no. Like, not even honestly. Why is that? I can't be actually falling for the gremlin. Right? Right???

"Y-Yeah you could say so.." I blurted our and looked away.

Then Kaito hugged me and I hugged him back, and then Maki surprisingly joined the group hug. I wish everything stayed like this. No murders until now, everyone is calm and friendly with each other. I just hope our plan doesn't fail.. so we will all survive..

Word Count: 958
And yep I'm planning on Maki, Kaito and Kokichi to be friends cause together with Shuichi they are a power team in my opinion.

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