Chapter 15: Unmotivated by a motive?

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No one's POV
Kokichi and Shuichi entered the room where his friend was in. Kaito was still unconscious, and Maki was sitting besides him on his bed. She was silently sobbing while Kirumi patted her back.

After a while some students started to leave, to the point were it was only Kokichi, Shuichi, Maki, Kiibo, and Kirumi. They refused to leave.

"Try to move me and I'll kill you." Was Maki's argument.
"I must be here to attend Momota-kun when he wakes up." Said Kirumi.
"I want to make sure Kaito is alright." Kiibo said.
"He is our best friend, we can't leave just like that." Was the excuse of the couple.

And like that they waited for the astronaut to wake up. While they waited, Kirumi organized the room, Kokichi fell asleep on Shuichi's lap, Kiibo was attending Maki while she sobbed holding Kaito's hand.

Then he woke up. Maki gasped and hugged him instantly. Shuichi poked Kokichi on the cheek to wake him up and everyone walked up to Kaito.

The astronaut looked overwhelmed at everyone's reactions.

"Guys..? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a dead person." How ironic.

"You don't remember..?" Shuichi asked.
"Remember what?" The astronaut was clearly confused.
"The motives.. what Monokuma did to you?" Maki was getting a little scared.
"No.. I just remembered going to bed last night. Nothing out of normal.."

Everyone looked at each other, unsure on what to do. Shuichi interrogated Kaito for some time, but he insisted in not remembering anything after falling asleep last night.

"I thought you weren't waking up and I-I..." Maki was interrupted by Kaito hugging her.
"Oh Maki-Roll, I'm alright. It's okay."

The others smiled at the scene, it was really cute to see. After that, the day continued as if nothing had happened. Some students were still a little worried but nothing too serious.

Until it was meeting time. This was when the students gathered to talk about escaping and planning expeditions to search for clues.

"What should we do now?" Kiibo asked.
"Nothing." Kaito answered without looking up.

Everyone turned to see Kaito, with confused looks. The astronaut looked at everyone and shrugged. He seemed dead serious.

"What do you mean.. nothing?" Shuichi asked.
"I said," Kaito pushed to get up.
"We shouldn't do anything about it. It's useless. Better not waste time and just here used to it."
"You want us to live here and hope no one goes insane?! Someone will end up dead!" Himiko said quite angry.
"Typical male behavior. Such a degenerate." Tenko exclaimed standing up too.

Everyone argued a little before Kaede calmed everyone down. Everyone sat back down and the meeting continued, with some comments from Kaito here and there.

"Remember the manhole from earlier? Maybe we can try again. It seems like it actually is an exit." Rantaro said.
"You guys want to go down there again? I'm sure this time will totally be different." Kaito said sarcastically.
"Kaito, stop. This is not how you are." Maki said grabbing his hand.

Kaito immediately pulled his hand away from Maki's and stood up. He slammed his fist into the table. And grabbed everyone's attention.

"I don't know what you guys expect. There is no way out. The tunnel is impossible to survive to, there's a giant cage surrounding us, and there are robots controlled by a murderous mastermind!"

Nobody knew how to act. Kaito was usually the one who made them feel like they had a chance. He was the hope of the group. Kaito continued his argument.

"You all are just avoiding the truth. WE. ARE. STUCK. HERE. UNLESS YOU MURDER ANYONE, DONT EXPECT BETTER." With this he left the room and everyone there.

Everyone was frozen. Kaito had snapped at them all. And to be fair, what he said actually looked like the truth right now. There was an immense silence because of everyone's shock.

Said silence was broken by Maki tearing up. It wasn't really loud, but noticeable. Kokichi tried to comfort her but she just pushed him onto the floor.

"Leave me alone.. please." The last word was said in a different tone that's the rest of the sentence.

Shuichi helped Kokichi up as Maki dashed off the gym.

They were hopeless.. they were all in despair.

Word Count: 780
Yes I will highlight the words 'hope' and 'despair' cause this is dAnGaNrOnPa. Unless I forget of course. Also I'll try to make some fluff next chapter cause I feel like this story has less Saioma than it should.

I insist on that Im not good at writing at all so don't expect good quality fluff.

Catch you in time - Saioma Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu