Chapter 8: Dumbass Squad

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Shuichi's POV
I got dressed and went to the cafeteria. Everyone was sitting there while discussing the mastermind. I started to look for Kokichi when I saw Maki. I walked towards her.

"Is this a joke?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked back, a little confused.

Maki pointed at a table where Kaito and Kokichi were sitting. They were playing card games like nothing was wrong. I could see Kokichi was winning since he was laughing and Kaito looked frustrated.

"I win." Kaito placed his cards down as he said this. Kokichi stared at them astonished.
"You won?! But I-" Kokichi pouted.

Kaito stared laughing and Kokichi noticed we were there. We signaled us to come and sit and we did so. Of course Maki besides Kaito and me besides Kokichi.

"Morning my beloved~" Kokichi said while hugging me. I hugged him back trying to hide my blush.

W h y  w a s  I  b l u s h i n g ? I don't know. Well I did I just didn't want to believe it myself. But I think I am actually crushing on Kokichi. It's just, I must admit he can be an ass sometimes, but he can be really cute and friendly too. That's something I had noticed.

"M-Morning." I stuttered as we ended the hug and Kokichi started to play with Kaito again. While they played we all talked about the clues we found yesterday and Kirumi came out of the kitchen with breakfast.

As she gave us our food she asked:
"Any drink you wish?"
"I would like some tea." Said Kaito.
"And I would like some Panta!" Kokichi exclaimed raising his hands.

Kirumi smiled and went for the drinks. We continued talking. Halfway through the conversation I got an idea.

"Maybe we should do a party." I said out of the blue. Everyone in the table looked at me.
"I-I mean, we Can do a party, trick the mastermind and Monokuma and therefore have more time to catch the mastermind."I continued.
"How?" Maki asked.
"We must fake a murder." I said.
Kirumi came with our drinks and placed them on the table. We thanked her and she went back to the table with the others. I convinced everyone to fake a murder and we started to set up everything.

/I took the book idea from another Saioma comic/

First we went to the library. We grabbed some books and pasted them together. We slid the books under Kokichi's shirt. And Kaito brought a bag of blood from the nursery. We also placed it under Kokichi's shirt.

Later we began handing out invitations to the rooftop for tonight, saying that we would undercover the mastermind at the party. Technically we wouldn't, but we needed to get the others to go to a party while a timer for our lives is running.

/WARNING FOR CRACKHEAD ENERGY: The following scenes may cause braincell damage or loss. Viewer discretion is advised./

As we were practicing some lines/excuses for a plan B, we all started to play a little. We would all exaggerate our lines like in a play. Except for Maki, she wasn't into 'childish stuff'. Some of the best lines have been:

"That's right! My sidekicks and I have found the mastermind! The person who is responsible for this killing game and all the suffering-!" Kaito said as if he was giving a speech. He also paused sometimes to do dramatic poses.

Kokichi and I applauded at Kaito's performance while laughing.

"Kaito for President I say!~" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Alright alright, my turn." I said as the smile on my face widened.

"Ahem. Oh no! My one and true love, Kokichi, now lays dead in the floor!" I could hear laughs. I continued.
"Who for the love of Atua could have done this? He was an asshole but he was a lovable asshole!" Now the laughs intensified.
"It. Was.. YOUUU!" Maki said dramatically as she stood up and pointed at me. I gave an offended gasp.

"Me?! Are you saying I, Sushi Saihara, murdered my love?! How. Dare. You."
"I do! For I have seen you push him down the staircase!"
"Sushi! How could you!" Kaito said.
"It was a failed hug I sweaaaar!" I said.
"It wasn't!" Kokichi said while lying on the floor.
"You're alive?!" Kaito said.
"The Ultimate Supreme Leader never perishes!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Or as you could say, The Ultimate Gay!" Kokichi continued.

Everyone was dead laughing now. Kaito hugged Maki while laughing and Maki was trying to hide her blush.

"Geez just kiss already!" Kokichi said.
"Ha! No." Maki replied.
"Aww why not~ Do you not love him or something?"

Kaito was just like ':|' watching the rant go on. Kokichi would tease Maki and Maki would deny it. Over and over again. It's starting to feel like they are friends.

Word Count: 834
I'm sorry for those who read the last part I just felt like deepening their friendship ^^

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