Ghosts in My Attic, Demons in Your Basement

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John slowed down after he came to the third floor.

To hell with this stupidly small, injured body!
-And its even smaller lung capacity!

He pulled up his hand, the palm facing forward, searching for the dark matter that drew his attention.

Where, where, where?!

John closed his eyes, straining his being in concentration.

Soon he found himself stepping forward, following a path invisible to the eye.

There was a strong presence; a rather dark one too.

His eyes shot open when he became startled, his fingers had touched the handle to a door.

                      Room 606D

John narrowed his eyes in expectance. "This the place eh?"

Gripping the gold handle, he turned and pushed the knob sharply. is the right place.

The suite was hauntingly dim; John searched for a switched, but only for it to flicker pointlessly
The lights didn't work.

John took a caution step onwards, silently letting the door slowly slide behind him, not fully closing though.

It was a decent sized place, much better than any other room he usually rented out when needing a cool down.

When through the door, one would come across a small living/dining room. It was more than likely used for both.
A 'kitchen' was a attached in the corner, within the form of a bar table, a stove, a microwave and fridge.

There was a door to his far left, mostly likely a bedroom.

The only light provided for John was the natural form through the curtained windows.

He took out his lighter, flicking the cap off and the lighter fluid on, casting a warm yellow/orange tint to the scenery.

He made his way around the room; the place was soaked with energy.

His guess was a ghost or demon.


Deja vu.

John skimmed the bar's surface with a finger, collecting a decent coat of dust.

A shiver went down his spine.

John turned around, back straightened out while his eyes scrutinizing each corner.

"Show yourself!" John called out, "Be my guest or don't-I have other ways of bringing the likes of you out n the open, crawlin and scratching all the way!"

He placed himself in the rooms center, ready to catch any sudden movements.

"Personally I'd just come out myself!-it'd be a bit easier." He grinned, "But if ya willing ta make this harder on yourself."

The lights above him fluttered in a volatile fashion, the bulbs of the lamps place through the corners created an audible crack before making new residence on the carpet floor.

John narrowed his eyes and steeled himself, ignoring the newfound childish nerves that he'd worked hard to rid himself of.

He waited a few beats, ready to either make another comment or go about the situation a different route.

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