Don't be a hero

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John grimaced.
Well this wasn't good...

Hermione shook behind his back, his arms stretched out to keep her out of the thing's reach.

It was an ugly motherfucker if John had to say so himself.

The thing, he'll call it an 'it' for now, was tall as hell.
Easily able to scrape its hands along the ceiling as it towers over the two.


John looked over his shoulder slightly, "'How?' what luv?!"

"It's a troll!"
Hermione screeched as she hide into his back more.
"A mountain troll that shouldn't've been found anywhere near civilization-they aren't smart creatures!-much less be able to sneak inside a place like Hogwarts!"

John frowned as the gears in his head started going.
He didn't dare question Hermione with information.....the girl aced every class he had her with, so something didn't add up with the occult detective....

John flinched with his young companion as he was reminded of the troll's mountain presence with an ear-splitting roar.


"Get away from my friends!"

John and Hermione watched in horror as Harry, along with Ronald, slid up behind the troll and promptly started to antagonize it!

The trolled turned around at the new noise, grunting at the louder volume.

The wooden club it grasped was raised high, emitting gasps from all three kids.

"Dammit Harry-don't try to be a hero!"

Thinking fast, John raised a hand to one of the sinks.

Rushing magic into the pipeline, braking apart and launching the sink into the troll's frame.

With the pipeline exposed, water doused the floors along with spraying the troll, John and Hermione.

Wasting no time, John ignored Hermione's yelp as he grabbed her hand and dashed, ducking them around a flailing hand attempting to grab one of the smaller bodies.

He shoved the group behind him again as the troll twisted their way.

John kept his eyes on the creature as he hissed at the children behind him,
"What the bloody hell are you two blokes doing here?!"

The two flinched, their previous brave facades crumbling.

Harry tried to reason with him,
"W-we-we knew Hermione was gone! The school was moving students back to the dorms but we knew she was missing!-"

"And you go lookin for trouble?! You dunces could've told a teacher! Someone who could've dealt with searching for Hermione and the troll if they came across it."

John snarled as the troll tightened its hold on its club.

"You've only accomplished the first one!"

The students yelled into his robes as it charged.

John narrowed his eyes, his body going into the familiar stance of fight or flight.
He's done this before with far uglier beasts.

John raised his hands, the children huddling closer as they lost pieces of the small protection.

Like slow motion his hands lit up, a bright disk of light with rings of complex symbols appeared.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα