Welcome, to Hogwarts!

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John stepped off the train, following the flow of kids 'his age'.

There were kids like him, the youngest looking, all nervous and confused.
The only ones baring all black robing.

There was a color coordination of Reds, Greens, Blues and Yellows.

The Houses?


A loud voice stood above the rest, almost as tall as the man himself when John laid his eyes on him, or what he thought was a man-

Like some sort of giant!

Looming over the stream of children with a long bushy beard and longer dark hair, his voice booming and his size imposing.
The only thing that made John know he was safe was because, well assuming get us nowhere and the genuinely kind look he possessed as the spoke to them.

John shrugged, oh well.

Trailing behind the significantly smaller crowd of first years, they made their way down to a dock.

"Right then! On ya go now!"
He motioned to the many boats.

John waddled on the boat with other students in the back, looking in as once everyone settled-the boats started to move by themselves.

Wooden boats the drove like they had motors, funny how Magic makes things well.....magical eh?

Even if the remembrance of Newcastle made his bleeding heart feel like a pincushion, he couldn't help but get goosebumps as the school shone in the night sky, the lake reflecting the picture perfectly.

Heh, Van Gogh should've been given a crack at this...

A down side of being in a boat for so long, not doing anything, in John's opinion sucked-his legs felt numb and yet like puddy at the same damn time.

More or less stumbling out and behind the kids, they entered the castle doors.

The sensation of magic in the air made John take in a sharp breath-it was so warm!

The atmosphere was light and filled with anticipation.
They were here!

John almost cramped up his neck with all the twisting he did, attempting to uncover every detail he could of what the school had to offer.

Moving staircases, pictures that were alive(or at least something close to it) and just the size of the school was mind blowing!

As magical as the whole experience was, once John's group stopped by a large doorway and a pile made by their own bags and boxes, John's brain had a chance to catch up with the rest of him and ask an important question-

How the fuck was John supposed to get to classes now?!
The place was fucking huge!"

He groaned,
"Don't suppose they hand out maps do they?"

A quiet laugh was heard behind him.

Turning his head to the left, he spotted a girl with long and frizzy brown hair.

"Not in any event I've read!"
She walked out of the crowd a bit, becoming a straggler like him.

Not that he didn't mind being in the back, honest.
He was an outcast.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now