Trials For Those Prepared

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John made a disgusted face after landing in-whatever the hell this was.

It was slimy, gross and dark.
Strangely, if he looked close enough, the rope like density resembled something like a plant vine or a root.

Like that wasn't gross or anything.

If only that Neville kid was here-the kid had a knack for that herb stuff.

John Constantine, mage, sorcerer, master of the dark arts, definitely didn't yelp as he felt the vine rap around his legs and torso.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!-"


John covered his head as the screaming  above crashed beside him, two more following the same fate.

The mage's eye twitched as the figure next to him moved, revealing a familiar head of black hair.



"What are you doing here?!"

"Is that Constantine?"

"John? What you doing down here?!

"Ron?! Hermione you too?! Bullocks!"


By now all four students were struggling against the mysterious vine like substance, it almost seemed as if the more they shifted the tighter they held on.

Not long after, the young witch seemed to notice the same phenomena, catching John's eye line with her own.

With a nod, the experiment began.

John took in a deep breath, relaxing his muscles and ceasing his struggles.

The ground beneath him seemed to swallow him whole, his view of the room him and his charges were in lessening as he lowered.



Hermione gasped in confirmed realization.

"So it was that!"


"Hermione what are you talking about?!-it just took John! I-I mean I know he's a snake n all-but granted he wasn't that bad of a guy!" Ron cried in distress.

"Nice ta know you think so highly of me Ronald."

"John?! Where are you?!"

"I'm down here! I'm alright if ya askin-why don't ya explain it to em luv? I never paid much attention in Sprout's anyways!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, struggling loosely so she could stay up top with her friends.
"It's called the Devil's Snare-"
"-bloody fantastic name really-"
"-it's a type of plant! The more you move the tighter it holds you, if you keep struggling it'll just kill you faster!"

"Kill us faster?! Oh now I can relax!"

"Ron! Harry! You have to relax!"

As if for demonstration purposes, the young witch became perfectly still, soon succumbing to the same fate as the blonde's.

"Hermione no!"


"Like I told you! Relax and you'll fall down!"
"Do as she says mate! You'll be fine!"

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now