Troll? In the Dungeons!

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"Alright class! Today will be exciting, I think we've practiced our motions enough to where we can comfortably attempt our first spell!"

Mr. Filtwick bounced happily at his podium.

John looked around as the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students drew their wands from their pockets.

Now John felt a bit awkward.

"Constantine, don't tell me you forgot yours!" Blaise rattled from beside him.

"Nope, just you wait Zabini."

"Wait for what? For you to fail and loose us points?!"

John rolled his eyes at the boy, he had been outcasted by most of the Slytherins ever since back-talking Malfoy. The only reason why he hadn't gotten the regular student treatment was because he was still in their house and he hasn't lost them points yet.

"Ye of little faith Zabini! Of the smallest faith."

He just raised a brow as John drew his hand towards the feather.

"Now! Just as we practiced!"

The half-goblin motioned his one wand as he went, "Swish and flick! Wingardium Leviosa!"

The attempts had started, some kids even shouting the spell for it to work.

Blaise sneered at the unmoving feather, then peered onto John instead of trying again.

"Alright then Constantine. Wow me."

John smirked at the proud boy, then breathed in.

Muscle memory was a strong ability.

It helped with even the smallest or most significant things of the day.
Like an Olympian practicing her backflips, the muscle memory insuring her body in landing firmly each time.

John felt the magic swell up throughout his body, his breathing even and his mind calm.
That was his muscle memory.

This, was what John Constantine was made for.

John recreated the movements with his hand, his eyes squarely on the feather.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

Zabini's jaw dropped as the feather lightly floated into the air, John's hand bouncing a bit to keep feather airborne.

"HA-Ha! Marvelous Mr. Constantine!"

Zabini didn't remove his eyes off of John once they met, but what he said next drew a bit of the surrounding student's attentions.

"Bloody hell're wandless?"


The observation made John pay the price of answering questions all day after class.

He had to repeat a lot of, "I was born this way", "I have no idea why'"and "No I cannot teach you how"'s.

At least Halloween hasn't gone too badly so far though, most of the time this particular holiday presented John all sorts of awful luck.
He and Harry even aced their projects, so John'll take the wins where he could.

He was currently on the way to dinner.
He got held back by Binns for not doing the homework a few days ago.

Maybe he should just go back to the dorms, John didn't really feel hungry anyways-

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara