Diagon Alley Pt 2

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John lightly kicked a pebble as they walked.

The pair were stepping up to the book store Snape was chattering about.

Well, chattering as much as the man was capable of.

He tugged the beige coat over him more, the cold air starting to nip at him and not for the first time in his life had he wished for a hat on his person.

He couldn't wait to get inside.

As cold as it was getting, at least it ain't raining.
But John wasn't about to jinx that.

How the Professor was in tip-top shape, in that wearable shower hanger mystified John.

Speaking of the greasy haired man, he had kept a close eye on John ever since Ollivander's.

John didn't pay much attention to the sharp intakes of air and the sound of boxes colliding with the floor.

John couldn't stop looking at his hands.

A ball of light sat comfortably and strong above his palm.


John did look up to Ollivander and he spoke, his teacher behind him taking strides up to the counter.

What the hell was John supposed to tell them?

That he's been doing powerful magic without a pathetic stick just as long as they have?

Like Hell that'd work.

"Well Constantine?!"

His head snapped to his teacher.

God John has had it up to here with his assigned company, he got it- he wasn't happy to take John shoppin 'round the mall-so what?!
John wasn't the happiest bloke either, but ya didn't see him takin it out on em!

John's hovering ball of magic extinguished subconsciously out of the burst of anger.

"I tried it Professor."
Little bit angrier than he meant to let out, but it'll do.

Snape looked to retort but was interrupted by the wand maker himself.

"Marvelous! Wandless!" The eldest man out of three leaned over the counter and examined his lit up digits.

"A once in a life time chance to see a naturally wandless wizard! It takes years of practice to even master simple spells efficiently.........Fantastic....."

Apparently, not even Snape disagreed too much about how special it was to have such a natural talent without the usage of a wand.


The fact that there were wandless wizards out there made John's chances of convincing the adults around him slimmer(being that different had been one of John's main points of reasoning).

They had determined that he didn't require a wand, not that it seemed possible anyways.
Ollivander did push for a couple more wands to try out, but all that accomplished was a new pile of broken sticks or remnants of surrounding objects.

John shivered as they walked through the door, the drastic change in temperatures a welcomed one.

Snake-cough-Snape, turned to John,
"I will grab what you need, it'll be faster than what you would've managed scrounging around cluelessly."

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant